Great Adventure Boards > Great Adventure Chit Chat

Parking Lot Expansion

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Has anyone heard any news about the parking lot expansion? I think it was supposed to be discussed at the last board meeting on the 19th..

I haven't heard anything as of now. However, a parking lot expansion would be great, especially with the hotel coming. With the hotel, we will need a few more spaces. Also, on busy days, we won't have to use the HH lot.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate, have a good one :D See you guys in a few days.


Parking deck anyone? :)  I know it has been discussed, but I just can't see that happening.

I don't think a parking deck would be a very good idea, knowing the way Jersey people drive, haha. Not to mention the traffic going in and out of the parking deck! :shock: I think the plans were to expand towards 537 more.

I just think of how bad the parking deck at NJIT was at rush hours when I was there, and cringe at the thought of a deck at GAdv. If they could do it like Universal, that would be one thing, but somehow I don't think it would ever happen.


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