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Author Topic: Retro (6/25/05) TR  (Read 1026 times)

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Retro (6/25/05) TR
« on: December 30, 2006, 05:43:24 PM »
Park: Six Flags Great Adventure
Date: June 26th 2005
Who Went: My Friend and I
Weather: Perfect day a bit nippy at the end of the day

Rides Went on: Nitro x5, GASM, Medusa x3, S:UF, Batman andRobin the Chiller, Batman the Ride, Skull Mountain

I Arrive at SF GADV Only to meet a dormant Kingda Ka Right Above the Parking lot which always depresses me. Another day at Great Adventure the Only way to survive is to stop by the Lo-Q Q-Bot Rental store --------Life Saver. Instead of waiting in rediculous Superman: Ultimate Flight Lines im eating lunch and riding very underrated rides like Medusa and Batman and Robin: The Chiller. The First ride has to be Nitro an always great ride that takes you into the deep woods of this park. And the only way to hit it is front row After that me and my friend plan our day with chiller then medusa then we bank on a long wait time for Superman so we eat then. After Lunch We Plan another series of events and in the big wait times (over an Hour) We walk the park and ride other thrill rides such as the Spinmeister and the Gravitron. As our Q bot dies we return it and go back to the conventional way of waiting in line for a last nitro.

Riding Medusa, Nitro, GASM, and S:UF Front Row
No wait line because of the Q-Bot
Nitro x5 Medusa x3

Waiting the last 2 rides
Kingda Ka, Stuntman's Freefall closed

Rating 9/10