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Author Topic: KKR05's WDW/Florida Excursion!  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline KingdaKaRuler05

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KKR05's WDW/Florida Excursion!
« on: January 14, 2007, 12:10:11 AM »
Hey everyone, this is my long on-going trip report from my August WDW trip. I'm just about to finish the second day, that update will be up soon. However, for now, check all the entire report so far at http://gstp.blogspot.com/

Here's the latest update, featuring the Carousel of Progress.

Chapter 13:There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow...

As I mentioned, it was time make a decision. Our decision came to this conclusion, to go on a favorite among us all, Carousel of Progress, then head out to get something to eat. After that we'd return to our hotel so we could actually get a good night's sleep, which we didn't get the last night. CoP was only a short walk away, and I was excited to ride this classic again. This is one attraction that I just enjoy going on whenever I visit WDW. It clearly shows how things have evolved, and will evolve. Plus, they have numerous entertaining scenes featuring Audio Animatronics to keep you entertained. This is one attraction that I would hate to see the World do away with...it's such an underrated classic. It really never has a line, which is quite disappointing. Anyway, we all approached the attraction and walked up the entry ramp. There were only a couple of other people waiting to ride, which again to me is disappointing. A lot of people are missing out on a classic Disney attraction. Anyway, it was only a couple of minutes before the doors were opened and we were allowed into the rotating theatre. We all took a seat (which are actually very comfortable, by the way) and got ready to enjoy a piece of Disney magic about one of the things that fascinated Walt the most, progress.

They filled up the theatre as much as they could, which unfortunately seemed like less than half of the total seats. People don't know what they're missing with this one. Anyway, after a few minutes, the doors closed, and lights dimmed, and the show was ready to begin. The red curtain in front of us opens, and shows the Carousel of Progress logo. Our host then greets us (who we're about to meet), and tells us some history about the attraction. It was created for the 1964 World's Fair, and it was entirely Walt's idea. It was a hit back then...unfortunately not so much now. He also explains how Walt was fascinated with the American family. The show itself shows a regular family going through the changes and advancements of the 20th century. With background info in hand, it's time to move on into the next part of the theatre. We begin to rotate towards the next area, and can hear the classic song "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" beginning to be sung as we enter. This first scene takes place around the turn of the century (In 1900, that is). It was a time when flying seemed impossible and automobiles were a rarity. Our narrator (named John) shows off his living room with the greatest inventions of the time, the telephone, gas lamps, and the good old icebox. We see the family living in almost 100 years ago, and they are shocked about all the new inventions popping up nowadays. However, this is only the beginning. There's plenty more of progress before this show's over...

Next up, we fast forward about 20 years to where electricity is the big thing. Our narrator shows off all of his electric powered devices now situated around the stage. Also, the invention of the radio brings in news from all around the world. They couldn't be more happier about indoor plumbing as well..."it's good for cold nights", says John. The family is prepping for the town's Fourth of July parade, and everyone's getting ready in costume. When the new handy-dandy radio says the festivities are starting to begin, it's time to head out for the parade. We exit the scene again with our narrator singing the classic tune. When we arrive in the next scene, we're in the fabulous 40's. The family's Halloween has been enhanced with tons of new inventions, such as the automatic dishwasher and the famed first television. The family is quite busy with Halloween festivities and transforming their basement into a "rumpus room"...it was all the rage at the time. And when John's paint mixer spatters paint all over the room, he tries to cheer up his wife, who was painting, with his song. With that, the 40's are over and its time to move into the next area. The time of this era isn't stated, but I've begun to think of it as the future, and we'll see why in a bit. It's Christmas time in the our narrator's American household, and everyone's over to celebrate the holiday. We see many new inventions popping up in the house, such as voice activation systems and and virtual video games that are played just through a set of glasses! I don't see is this as any time but the future. Everyone's having a great time until the voice-activated oven overhears the number "750", raises the temperature, and burns the Christmas turkey! After some talk about what will happen in the future, the final scene ends again with everyone singing the song together. Finally we rotate into the exit scene (which is different than the entry scene), and our narrator lets us go with "tomorrow's just a dream away..."

The doors opened and we all got up from our seats. We exited the theater and went back out into Tomorrowland. Overall, the CoP is an amazing attraction to me. It's highly informative and provides a learning experience for all. Also, the show it presents is highly entertaining. It's fascinating to see how much has evolved over the next decade, and how things will continue to evolve. To me, the attraction is excellent, as well as the idea behind it. It's a definite must hit on your next trip to WDW. Well, the day was beginning to end, and it was now time to head out. As we walked back to the main gate, I thought about was an awesome day it was. It was short, sweet, and I got on mostly everything. I'd be back later on in the trip to hit what I missed. However, for the first real day, it sure was a nice relaxing one at the park. It surprisingly wasn't crowded at all...no waits were longer than about 30 minutes and we only needed one Fast Pass. Not what you would expect from a hot August day. However, I did plan our days around the Extra Magic Hours, so maybe that had something to do with it. All in all, it was a great first day at the Magic Kingdom.

KKR05's Expert Advice-I think I've said most of what's had to been said about the CoP. It's a great ride for all ages...really everyone can experience this classic attraction. I said it once and said it again, this ride doesn't get what it deserves. So, on your next trip, head to the CoP for a nice pleasant surprise.

It was time for the last ride of the day...the monorail ride that is! We took an express shuttle back to the Transportation and Ticket Center. I love riding the monorail, it's so relaxing and gives excellent views. The trip was short yet sweet as we arrived back at the TTC. Our car was just a tram ride away now. Once we finally exited the monorail and got to our car, we noticed a surprising amount of people heading into the park. It seems we got out just in time (it probably was Extra Magic Hours). Now, it was time to eat, so we dashed over to the Crossroads for dinner, where we'd discover that cockroach eating wasn't only at Six Flags.

Enjoy everyone! Next update will be up soon.

Under the bridge downtown...

1 VS. 100...Fridays at 8 on NBC!