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Author Topic: Photo TR: Reithoffer Fair 6/15/07, VIDEO NOW POSTED!  (Read 2408 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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Photo TR: Reithoffer Fair 6/15/07, VIDEO NOW POSTED!
« on: June 17, 2007, 12:45:17 AM »
So I got a call from my friend Karen asking if we should hang out Friday. And I just said, "Dude, we should totally go to the Carnival!" We just did the same rides over and over so I'll just give a discription of each!

Rock N Roll Fun House
A carnie yelled at us because we were playing in the barrel and when we went on the moving floor, he turned it off, and he kept watching us the whole time with an evil eye...so yeah, NOT FUN!

Wild Mouse
So before November I've never been on a Spinning Mouse, and now in June I rode my 4th! It was a Zamperla Twister (very similar to a Revechon Crazy Mouse), we were suprised. The Wild Mouse part of it, was really tamed and it was also very smooth until the ending. Overall, it was good...but I preffer the Flitzer they had last year.

Ferris Wheel
It was creaking, making cracking noises and I was able to see some loose panels...yea, no more thank you.

Need I say more?

This ride made me very nervous before riding. Speed is made by KMG and it's a Skyscraper ride, and it was the only ride in the whole carnival I felt really safe on. It was really fun, and the view was spectacular. We rode it 3 times. It was much better at night.

Wild Claw
It looks like a Huss Revolution...exactly, but I later found out that this is a KMG Freek Out. Anyway, it's fun. So much better than a Huss Giant Frisbee. That's right, I said it!

The Extra Incestfull Carnie Encounter
So Karen and I took an other ride on the Zipper, and some Carnie came up to us and was trying to give me a dart, and I just kept telling him to leave. Then he offered it to Karen and she walked away and said, "Cool, free dart!" and the guy said  to "Romeo, don't you want to win your girl a prize?" We looked at each other and laughed and I said, "She's my cousin!" (We aren't really cousins, we just told him that to get off our backs) And he said "Kissing Cousins?" And we just said "NO!"

We end up being dragged to his crappy ass game. I'm reluctant and finally I throw the freeking dart and pop the balloon. Then he says, "Come on, see, now play! Don't you want to win your kissin' cousin a prize?" I just got pissed, pulled out my empty wallet and said, "I HAVE NO MONEY!" The guy looks at me and says, "Look, buddy, I'm trying to get you some cheap ***** here! Just play!" I got furious and yelled at him and told him "This isn't West Virginia (I don't meen to offend anyone, it's just what came out)", , and then Karen and I just left, and never went over to that part again!

It was...spinny...yeah, look at the photos!

Pharoah's Fury
The people behind us wouldn't shut up! We got no airtime, and they had to stop it MANUALLY!

Super Slide
Fun and broke my ass. NEXT!

Haunted Mansion
Crappy, smelly, not dark, nothing worked.

Super Himilaya
Super fun! Super fast! Super squished nuts! Super Airtime!?!?

The Power Outage of Doom
So we were in line for the Wild Mouse when all of a suddon we here a weird noise and we looked up and a car was stopped on the MCBR above the station and an empty car was stuck at the top of the lift! The Zipper lost power too, and the Generator Trailer had black smoke spewing out of it and into the Zipper. People were freaking out (on the ground, suprisingly not on the rides). They got power back enough to get the car off the MCBR and then it stopped at the last MCBR, but not even a minute later they got it to the break run where they evacuated the ride, via latter! Later on, every other ride would lose power, but then it'll come back!


Here we are at the Carnival of doom and Mall Core Kids!

YAY! New credit this year!

Here is Karen everyone! Say hi to Karen. Tough break Karen, tough break.

We has to look nice for our photo!

What what! Me on the lift son!

Werd for the gangsta g!

Lift hill POV ftw!

Karen feels the rath of the mouse!

First drop!

This is where we smile!

The spinning was pretty smooth...

Except for this part!

I didn't like that part!

Our on ride photo! WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

An over view shot of the Wild Mouse

The Wild Mouse is a Zamperla Twister coaster.

Every fair needs a Ferris Wheel

Karen disagrees with me on that!

Storm reminded me a little of a Scat on crack mixed with a Break Dance...it made us look stupid.

It looks...interesting.

Pharaoh's Fury ftw

Nevermind, it broke.

An other credit, but I had it from last year!

Zipper...it was hillarious to see Karen's head smash into the gate. It was even funnier when I told her a company named Chance made it!

Aww crap, this is the only picture I got of the Wild Claw...oh well! ENJOY IT!

This is the Rock N Roll Funhouse

And this is the Carnie Nazi! Who told us to not have fun and keep moving and get out of the barrel...yeah, we loved him!


OH MY GOD! It's Cassie! Come with us! (And she did)

Karen's all "OmFg We HaS 2 g3t oN da Wild MoUseeeEEee!!!!!1111!1!!

But we had to be mad gangsta wit Fitty first!

So while we were in line to ride the Wild Mouse again, the power generater decided to blow, so the Zipper and the Wild Mouse lost power. and the Zipper had black smoke going into it (with people)

Here's the other car stuck on the lift. We stuck around for it to reopen because we had nothing better to do, and we were the first people to get back on it.

You always need to have a funnel cake!

And a shot of me eating. Isn't that sexy?

Night time shot

Here is Speed made by KMG! Speed is da bomb! We rode it 3 times. The bad part is, that it's not included with the Wristbands so we spent $60 on it. But it was totally worth it.

Karen, Cassie and Me

After throwing 36 balls, Karen finally won her fish Speedy.

Nothing beets a free souviner!

And we stopped in the mall to visit our dear friend Rose!

While we were leaving the mall to meet my mom in the car. This kid came behind me and started dancing and was singing "Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me! I will **** you in your @$$ because your gay!" Karen and I just looked at each other and I just flipped off and went to the car. (Keep in mind, these "rocker" kids are hanging out at the mall...and yes I did work at Hot Topic for a while) I turned around again and just said, "By the way! I sold your outfit you jackass!" Ah, only losers hang out at the Staten Island Mall.

-Dainan "Scary, but yet entertaining day" Rafferty
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 07:51:15 PM by CycloneMan »

Coaster Count: 255

Offline CycloneMan

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Here's the video!

-Dainan "Quickest video I ever made!" Rafferty
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 08:19:00 PM by CycloneMan »

Coaster Count: 255