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Author Topic: Conneaut Lake Park in new film  (Read 656 times)

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Conneaut Lake Park in new film
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:15:30 AM »

Conneaut Lake Park to be featured in new film (APR 11, 2008) The Meadeville Tribune revealed on Apr. 9 that filmmakers, cast and crew of ?The Road? ? starring recent Oscar and Golden Globe nominee Viggo Mortensen and Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron ? will visit Conneaut Lake Park to record a portion of the major motion picture around the end of April.

?The Road? is based on the Pulitzer prize-winning novel of the same name and is an epic adventure about a father-and-son?s quest for survival in a post-apocalyptic world where food is scarce and some of the survivors have turned to cannibalism.

Eight scenes will be shot at Conneaut Lake Park, according to George Deshner, general manager of the historic 116-year-old amusement park. Scenes will include several locations: near the ruins of Dreamland Ballroom, on the boardwalk, at the Beach Club and Hotel Conneaut and in other places.

With several scenes being shot in Pittsburgh, officials there directed producers of ?The Road? to visit Conneaut Lake Park for possible filming of other scenes.

After the Dreamland Ballroom fire, film director John Hillcoat toured the park and agreed it was a good place for some of the scenes. He said destruction of the ballroom lends itself to the atmosphere the filmmakers hope to capture.