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Author Topic: PTR Cliff's and Itz 6/19/08  (Read 893 times)

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PTR Cliff's and Itz 6/19/08
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:09:20 AM »
Our first stop this day was Cliff's Amusement Park in Albuquerque, NM.  Instead of the evening 7-10 hours we encounted at the past few parks, Cliff's was only open Thursday to Sunday with the strange hours of 11-4 on Thursday.

Our first ride of the day was the New Mexico Rattle which was one of the few wooden coasters in the US that we haven't ridden.

Cool looking station:

YES!!!!  Full seat dividers!!!!  Thankfully, no hollow seat dividers here.  It's a good thing too because with all of the side-to-side motions on this coaster, it would've been a once-and-done for me if it had hollow dividers.

We wound up with 10 rides on NM Rattler that day.  I wouldn't call it a favorite, but it was a fun ride.

After the past few days, we were starting to get sick of Galaxi coasters:

Rich took a solo ride on Cliffhanger since I'm not crazy about drop rides.  I rode the drop towers at Joyland and Western Playland so I had more than my share of them anyway.

We did ride the Rocky Mountain Rapids flume ride since it looked like a good one.  I didn't have my camera at the time, but we saw a sign in the station that wasn't very customer friendly.  It said "This ride(and others) will close promptly at closing regardless of your place in line".  Sounds like they take after Mt. Olympus with their ridiculous closing policies.  If they want the rides to close on time, they should judge the line and close it when appropriate instead of saying "too bad" to the customers in line.  Not very customer friendly there, Cliff's!  We didn't stay to closing to see how they handled it.

Our next stop was Itz which is within walking distance from Cliff's to take a ride on their Miner Mike coaster.

On the way to our hotel in Pecos, TX, we encountered a rather nasty storm near Rosewell, NM.  Here's a picture of it in the distance before we got to it.