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Author Topic: PTR Six Flags Fiesta Texas 6/21/08  (Read 1026 times)

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Offline coastersue

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PTR Six Flags Fiesta Texas 6/21/08
« on: June 28, 2008, 02:49:08 PM »
We spent the moning/early afternoon and evening at the park with a rest during the day at the hotel.  The crowds were heavy, but we managed to ride everything we wanted without buying a Flash Pass.  I refused to buy a Flash Pass there with their selling the front seat on Goliath game they're playing.

People in TX must love pain because the Boomerang and Rattler seem to be the most popular rides in the park.  We couldn't believe the lines for the 2 of them!  It was looking like we wouldn't even get to ride Rattler due to the line, but it finally clamed down when the Lone Star Spectacular started.  I couldn't find any souvenirs for our favorite ride there, Superman Krypton Coaster, yet they have souvenirs for Rattler and Boomerang.  Go figure!

Rattler certainly lives up to it's name, but is still far better than Texas Giant.  We even rode Rattler 5 times in a row to end the night.  Yes, we're crazy for doing that, but there really wasn't anything else to ride.

We had been looking forward to a night ride on Superman Krypton Coaster.  It turns out that they close it down at 9 pm for the Lone Star Spectacular and don't reopen it.  We were not pleased that we got screwed out of a night ride on one of our favorites.  That sign wasn't around earlier when we rode it either because if we had known, we would've made a point to get there before 9.

On a positive note, it took until the last park we visited on this trip, but the operations on Superman Krypton Coaster in the morning were top notch.  We were able to stay on for 10 straight rides.  It was just the operator running the ride a 1 supervisor checking the restraints.  This supervisor was so fast that the trains were never even stacking.  We made a point to tell her what an excellent job she was doing and that she was doing a better job than a 4 person crew normally does.

Tony Hawk's Big Spin:


Hustler flat ride:


Boomerang Coast to Coaster:



Scooby Doo:

Ferris Wheel:

Bugs White Water Rapids flume:

Offline darkridedan

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Re: PTR Six Flags Fiesta Texas 6/21/08
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 04:00:50 PM »
What a colorful park!
Prepare to weather the storm!