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Author Topic: 12/08/05 El Toro Update  (Read 3663 times)

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12/08/05 El Toro Update
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:05:34 AM »
El Toro Construction Update - 12/8/2005

We didn't even make it to the constuction site and were already taking pictures.

I almost wish I had a toilet at a location like that.

Vipers old exit ramp. Hopefully they fix it.

Checkout the amazing quality of this lumber!

We learned as we entered the area that a section almost 100ft. tall was about to be erected.

Much of El Toros twisted track will reside in there.

Everything is prepped on the ground first.

Workers check one more time to make sure it is ready to fly.

Skilled crane operations begin to hoist the section up.


The wood flexes as they lift the 100ft. section up.

Almost there!

Just about vertical

Now they must spin it around in the right direction

All done!

Vipers old station had to be completely gutted for El Toro.

Nothing more than a empty box.


I'm sure it will be all fixed up by next Spring.

Richard Beane – Site Superintendent, was kind enough to speak with us about El Toros progress.

Our entire group.

Much of Rolling Thunders infield has been dug up for drainage.

Please let me know if anybody knows what this support is from.

Looking away from El Toros station.

Me :-)

This area is HUGE!

This part of the ride is going to be sweet.

This area will look just a tad different next year.

Hmmm, look what was laying behind Rolling Thunder.

Maybe Runaway Train will get the new restraints next season.
The tigers were actually really happy to see us.

They all came out to see us and were very entertaining.

El Toro will make Rolling Thunder look rather small.

El Toros turnaround really shrinks down this pathway.

Were all thinking "wow, that path will be small".

Snow in the VERY cold Golden Kingdom

No thanks.

The "new" view.

Hopefully this awesome landscaping is put back together.

Work has begun on Bugs Bunny National Park

This section will be over by the recently rehabbed bandstand.

And finally, whats a photo update without Kingda Ka!

We hope you enjoyed the update. Check back in January for our next update!
Thanks again to the GREAT staff at Great Adventure!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 01:57:17 PM by jglonek »