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Author Topic: 2008 Season Wrapup  (Read 1947 times)

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2008 Season Wrapup
« on: December 14, 2008, 11:35:08 PM »
The 2008 season started out, well, pretty good. The beginning of the season reminded me of much of the 2007 season, which is definitely not bad. The park was clean, most attractions were up and running, and we had a new coaster to look forward to - The Dark Knight!

In late May The Dark Knight opened to mixed reviews and feelings, which persisted through the end of the season. It's not a bad ride at all, but my personal feeling is that it could have been a little more than it was. It definitely fits into the family niche that the park wants to attract, but that's about it. But at least we got two great coasters before this one for the enthusiasts!

Then came probably the highlight of the season - the Glow in the Park parade. New, unique, it looked great and was fun to listen to and watch. While still not quite capturing that Disney feeling the parade was definitely something the park needs, and I hope that it comes back next year.

Later in the season some issues began to become apparent, one of which is the fact that more and more rides seem to be closing on us. Some never even opened this season! I hope this trend doesn't continue next year, as less rides means more lines at others. And aggrivated guests, especially if something they liked is now gone!

There seems to be a lot to look forward to for the 2009 season. At the park we are getting a reworked Medusa (and maybe even a fixed up western-themed section!). One of the favorite rides in the park, which has decreased in popularity the past few years, will be back in the spotlight.

So what did everyone else think of this season? Any thoughts or memories you'd like to share? I personally enjoyed seeing the parade the first time, it was definitely something different at the park - in a good way. The Dark Knight didn't please me too much, nor did Fright Fest, although we definitely have varying opinions on that!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 11:46:30 PM by jglonek »

Offline WadeJ

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Re: 2008 Season Wrapup
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2008, 05:03:31 PM »
Well, here is my take on things.  Personally, I think this was probably the best season they had in nearly a decade.  I grew frustrated at times with the closed section as well as all the cuts in entertainment and closing the kid sections early at times.  BUT, the fact of the matter is that they stayed on top all the way through to the end of the season.  Each of the past few years felt like they would get a bit further but towards the end of July or mid-August, things would seem to fall apart.  So major kudos for that!

My main highlight of the year was easily the Glow in the Park parade.  In fact, it was so good we would plan our trips around it because the kids had to see it each time.  Shows such as this can become viral through positive word of mouth and I think that has already started.  So hopefully Six Flags gives them an even bigger budget in 2009 to add more floats and increase the cast size because this is one of the best offerings outside of a major coaster in I don't know how long.

They still have work to do though.  Many areas are still in disrepair (the fort anyone?) and staffing still seems to be a problem.  And while I don't have specific numbers and I'd love for them to share this info but I'd bet they also broke all sorts of records in uptime and ride throughput but this obviously came at the sacrifice of several attractions.  Many of which are REALLY missed dearly such as the swings, bumper cars and Musik express.  In fact, is there a single other Six Flags or Cedar Fair park without swings?

Anyway, with the current economy, I really hope they don't reverse direction and take a few steps back again.  With the Medusa relaunch and the continued improvements being made each season, I see no reason to believe 2009 won't be at least as good as 2008

Thank you Great Adventure for a great season!

Offline nitrorox1414

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Re: 2008 Season Wrapup
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 07:37:07 PM »
ya it twas good