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Author Topic: My Two Day Trip To Universal Studios...  (Read 1164 times)

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Offline nitrorox1414

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My Two Day Trip To Universal Studios...
« on: July 26, 2010, 09:48:23 PM »
Before I start I want to say... alot of the rides broke down....or I got stuck on

We were staying on-site so no bad lines

We got to the park at about 3:30 and of course we went to Harry Potter. every line in there was ridicules. The Forbiddin journey Does not have express pass so we did not want to wait in an hour line, so instead we went to Dragon Challenge. we did Chinease Fireball first. It was was good not to bad.

We then Headed over to Hulk and Spider man ... which both had 80 min lines. But thank god for the hotel key so we only had to wait 10 mins. both rides are as I remember nothing suprising.

We left the park and went to the Hard Rock Cafe.. food was really good and had some refreshing mango drink.

We went to Universal and started out on Shrek. That Ride (idk what you would call it) is so fun everytime.

After that we went to Rip Ride Rockit. That also does not have an Express line and single riders line was closed so we waited in the regular line for 15 minuets when they opened single riders. I didn't want to wait that because i was so hot. we got on and I picked my song. I picked Stronger by Kanye. the ride was so fun it was ridicules. i was surprised how clear the speakers were. you couldn't hear anyone Else's.

After that we headed to the Mummy ride. That ride is also fun no matter what.

Up next is one of my all time favorite. : MIB alien attack.. while were were on the stairs we hear a voice come on the loud speakers.. We Are sorry MIB is having some trouble Etc... we waited 10 min and they start testing.... We waited another 20 min and the voice comes on again saying MIB will be closed for a while please enjoy some other ride.

We left the park at about 7 and headed to our room.  I  stayed at the Loews royal pacific. i got to bed at around 11 because I wanted to get to the park early for Harry Potter.

i got up at 7 and got to the park at around 8:30 ( because of my friend)

I just want to say who ever built this did it so great. it look like it exactly from the movies.

We waited 20 mins for forbidden journey. That ride is so great. they did so well on it. I looked at the people in front of us and it looks like your on a claw with one side facing out.

After that we got on ice dragon challenge ( i forget what the name was) but we had to wait 30 min because it broke down. I like blue better then red.

Then we headed to Jurassic park river adventure. This is my favorite ride in the park.  But this is the ride I got stuck on. we got stuck right before you go up the first hill. Then the boat behind us got stuck and the one behind that one got stuck. So were were all in a line just chillin there for 10 mins when we finally got through the whole ride.

after that we did Do didley and got soaked.  we headed to the exit, got on hulk and left.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 09:52:35 PM by nitrorox1414 »

Offline coastermom

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Re: My Two Day Trip To Universal Studios...
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 11:47:44 PM »
Cant wait to get there we are at Disney first then off to Universal ... Looking forward to the stay at Universal at the Hard Rock Hotel and our Express !! Going to go to Harry Potter on a Sunday morning from what I am reading on some of the Universal Sites that is the best day to go and to go there Early with the hotel guest ! Cant wait almost a little less then a week to go ! :)