Other Stuff > Anything Goes

New Fries At Wendy's

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I know the dressing can ruin a good salad, I also heard rumors that amcdonald's salad was just as bad as a big mac. It also would help if people look at the nutrition facts or atleast ask about the food the could be eating... you'd be surprised what the put into some of the foods in most fast food places.

New fries = Trip to Wendy's. I'm skinny on the outside, but inside I'ma fatty.

Remember, stores are using up all the old version first. If you can't see the skins (and probably a sign saying new fries), they are the old ones. Sea salt, thinner and skins are the telltales of the new ones...

It may take as long as the end of next week for some stores to use all of the older product.

Yuck!  That will help me eat healthier because I won't get them.  Can't stand sea salt and don't like skins!

My dad will be a little *I'M A BAD PERSON!*ed, but he'll just go to burger king instead. I also guess I shouls look into something different for my two week fastfood visit...

Lol censor tripped.


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