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Random Coaster Talk

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I had a blast on the two rides I had on Insane in Gronu Land. I would love for a park in the northeast to get one.

AV Matt:
They are great rides for smaller parks since the capacity is horrible.

AV Matt:

--- Quote from: Blackhand1001 on December 07, 2011, 08:53:20 AM ---Anyone wish B&M still made loopers as intense as Kumba and green lantern (one of the last B&Ms before their change in design philosophy). Their newer loopers are so much tamer and slower paced with oversized elements.

--- End quote ---

I wish their loopers were more like Schwarzkopfs with brief moments of extreme G's among a gentler pace. I think Talon does this really well. Batman is non-stop extreme G's and that's overkill. Kumba has an awesome layout, but it's non-stop positive G's as well.

Sorry but when you have to do fighter pilot practices in order not to black out on a ride. It's a bit too intense. Kumba did it right though! Batman is kind of fun for maybe one or two rides and then it wears on you.

AV Matt:
I loved Batman when it first opened, but as each new one came out over the years, I enjoyed the intensity less and less.

I like intense airtime and laterals, but the positive G's need to be spread out for me.


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