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Safari Off Road Adventure & Big Wave Racer Announced!

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That's the one Jerry. Wade, this will make Great Adventure 10 acres bigger than Animal Kingdom...until Avatar is done. If Great Adventure wanted to start up a "Safari Wars" with Disney (which, IMO, would be hilarious and awesome), they could put up a big fight. The border of the safari on the bottom-right is right up against Reed Rd., but I believe the park owns more land running along the road back to the intersection that's out frame. Plus there's land near the current entrance and exit that now can become available, as well as over by the Harbor. It wouldn't be wise for GA to go after that necessarily, but it would be fun!


--- Quote from: rjholla2003 on August 31, 2012, 06:58:28 PM ---That's the one Jerry. Wade, this will make Great Adventure 10 acres bigger than Animal Kingdom...until Avatar is done. If Great Adventure wanted to start up a "Safari Wars" with Disney (which, IMO, would be hilarious and awesome), they could put up a big fight. The border of the safari on the bottom-right is right up against Reed Rd., but I believe the park owns more land running along the road back to the intersection that's out frame. Plus there's land near the current entrance and exit that now can become available, as well as over by the Harbor. It wouldn't be wise for GA to go after that necessarily, but it would be fun!

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If I remember right Great Adventure still has the majority of the property that didn't get touched from when Warner Leroy was starting the park up back in 1974.


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