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Author Topic: Myrtle Beach [PTR]  (Read 2094 times)

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Offline Edwardo

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Myrtle Beach [PTR]
« on: March 15, 2014, 05:06:18 PM »
I've went into how I feel about Myrtle Beach since they got rid of the Pavilion, Bikers, and more, so I won't go into it here, but here are some pix of the first time I'd been in a long time.

This is not an acceptable replacement for a whole amusement park.  Screw You Borrough & Chapin Co.

Family Kingdom got a new coaster, the Twist n' Shout that formerly operated at Gillian's.

One of the park's entrances.

Swamp Fox at nite.

The Park's Carousel.

From across the water that divides the park.

Had lunch at Friendly's beside the park the next day.

On a hot summer nite, at the end of the nite, towards the end of the season, after running all day and all summer, this thing gives great airtime.  They really keep it maintained and painted.  It always looks fresh and new.

Both sides of the park from across the street.

I love the beach.  It's so relaxing.  Too bad it was high jellyfish season.

My hotel for the weekend.

The world famous Homosexual Dolphin gift cove.

This and the new boardwalk were nice additions.  Now if only they'd have added this and cleaned up down town while the Pavilion was still here, then perhaps more people would have spent more time downtown.  That is, before the local government ran the bikers, grads, and spring breakers out...oh well...

No anti-single rider policy here.

You get some really good views.

More than just Roller Coasters...

When I was a kid, this was the wax museum. I think I went thru it a total of 2 times.  This park is better.

They were having a vollyball tourney.  I watched as I ate dinner seaside.

<iframe src="https://www.flickr.com/photos/thescorpionlair/10147898805/in/set-72157636469834846/player/" width="500" height="375" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

A small thrill park down town.

Went to do this, but missed it by an hour.

Visiting some old friends from the Pavilion.

And that's that.