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future coaster predictor

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I WILL be at SFGAdv in 2015 if this is true. First time since 09. Unless it's a millennium force Giga and not an I305.

AV Matt:
I'd rather have a Millennium Force style Giga, except with airtime.  Just reshape the profile and BAM you got a great coaster.   

If the GIGA is true the only feasible place would be to extend it into the safari entrance/baboon area.  I couldn't see it in the old chiller location.

The i305 one gives you more options due to being compact. Are they still passing Medusa on to a little sister?


--- Quote from: Frissbeking on March 20, 2014, 05:23:07 PM ---The next Wing Rider... I'm going to go on the record here and say Busch Gardens Tampa... in place of Gwazi, using the same station for 2016. I'm going to go one step further and "guess" that Sea World Orlando is getting a B&M Hyper for 2015.

As Matt said before... SFGAdv may indeed get an Intamin Giga for 2015.

As for RMC... I have not a clue.

--- End quote ---

I'm OK with all of these.  Honestly, all 3 are worthwhile investments IMO.  While I'll miss Gwazi and was always a fan (especially on a rainy day!), it really needs to go. 

The bigger question is whether or not Kingda Ka becomes nothing more than a drop tower structure if a giga arrives.


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