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AV Matt:
I don't think New Jersey will allow a looper without over the shoulder restraints.  They better check into that before buying a Mack and then pulling a Jumanji. 

Well they did allow Chiller to run with lap bars.


--- Quote from: Steve on August 11, 2014, 09:22:09 PM ---Well they did allow Chiller to run with lap bars.

--- End quote ---
Good point. But look how that turned out lol

I'm not aware of anything that won't let them go lapbar only but it's apparently extremely difficult to go through the process for approvals. A process that is already very tough. Morey's had similar issues with "It" but like Chiller, it can be done.

AV Matt:
How awesome would it be if Mack launched mega coasters were the next MUST HAVE here in the US? Bye bye B&M and Intamin. 

Chiller was fine with the lap bars, the trains themselves and even the ride didn't feel like working though.

I'm sure there's paperwork to go through for lap bar inverting coasters but it can't be anywhere as severe as what's happened to Ka with the advent of Zumanjaro.


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