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Cingular kicks butt with the Rollover
I have about 4000 rollover minutes
ALso I did get the Cingular 8525 3g shown above. (selling my 8125 if anyone interested)

Sidekick Na  get a Windows Mobile phone
A pocket PC kicks butt with so many free apps and utilities.
its just a little bulky so I have a small backup phone I can just slide my SIM card into.(something you can't do with Verizon and Sprint)

Also with Cingular don't get the unlimited DATA plan($59-$69)  get the  $19 unlimited smartphone plan and you can still use it with a pocket pc phone but for much less.
I can access any "real" website with my phone and also Google maps for mobile is awesome.
Wade try this site as your home page they have everything on it Stormtracker radar etc. I was using Yahoo mobile but this has better radar and other cities.
also the best thing about it if you travel is if your in another City/State you can click change city and you will have all the info for that area. I was in Orlando in Jan. and I just typed in the city and had all the local news ,weather/radar/lottery/sports/movies/flighttracker (great for flight info) etc. also great when at a park to see the storms coming.
give it a try

I have many free apps if needed  a few off hand
Wififofum a wifi hotspot finder like netstumbler very cool and free



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