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Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« on: July 03, 2006, 04:08:23 PM »
Alrighty, welcome to another one of my TR's, this time I will try not to bore you all :P.

So anywho, it started with a 5:15 wakeup, me and my mom booked a hotel, got the food, soda, ipod, and directions all together and hopped in the car and we were off at 6:15.

We took the Goethals Bridge to the NJTP, to the GW Bridge, to 95 then to 91, finally arriving at Agawam Mass but with a stop to evacuate my kidneys in there and a 15 minute delay gassing up in NJ. Now If you can guess how long it took us to get there, then your a good time guesser person or have no life (Just Kidding). It took about 2 Hours and 15 Minutes flat, with 2 pit stops included, to get from Staten Island, New York to Six Flags New England, thanks to my moms MF like speeds on the highways. We're driving down the road and then we see the sign Six Flags New England!

Six Flags New England

So we pulled into the first parking lot, follow the path down where we roll down the window and talk with the guy, we tried using the Season Pass sticker on the car so we wont have to pay $15 to park but he said "Park Specific" so we just shuttup and paid. We pull into the spot and finally we were there. Now at this point I am thinking, wow this is a small park, from the drive in the lot you could see Hurricane Harbor, B:TDK, S:ROS and Scream!. I wasn't a whole lot sure what to think of this park, maybe its a great park, maybe its just a crap shack, but what I could gaurentee was that it was about the size of Dorney.

So we get out of the car, taking our time, go to the bathroom and then into the park, we got in free as we had our GADV Season Passes, so it's not 10 yet so the ropes are indeed up, so we looked around in the gift map and I saw the free souvineer maps you get in the parking lot being sold for $5.00, what a rip-off but another way for the park to make money. Their souvineer shot wasnt as overpriced as the ones in GADV, infact we bought a prank for the car, it is a bullet that sticks through the glass, so it looks like the car got shot  ;D. So anyway we hear noise coming from outside so we bolt outside.

It is indeed noise but it is some guy rambling on the mic to keep the crowds down, after about 20 minutes of that, the characters come out and do a little dance and finally without further wait the gates drop, and it is not a run but a walk, people are going all sorts of directions but of course I went to SFNE just to ride mind eraser so thats where I went to first! JUST KIDDING! I would never in my life do that, more detail later, so anyway, Gates dropped and I am I guess we can say power walking to SROS, I have no clue how to get there so I just follow the crowd going towards it past scream and to the entrance of, I believe, the DC comics part of the park where there is another crowd, after about a minute of waiting batman is walking us down to S:ROS making sure we dont kill each other getting there. Finally after alot of back and forth down the path, we get there, there is the entrance and this is what I have been waiting for!

Now, the attendent to check the height at the beginning has not one but two sticks, you cant be taller then a certain height to ride which was a first for me, and of couse you have to be taller then a certain height to ride, unfortanately some poor guy was turned away as he was about an inch too tall. So were all shuffling in and we go throughout the que where there are security gaurds at each set of switchbacks. Some people tried to go under some railings but the security gaurd was playing no games and taking crap from nobody, he said something like "If you go under one more time, I will eject you from the park", so you know, it's cool didnt bother me, and eventually im get about 3 steps from the stairs to the station. So I make the climb up, all is good, the attendent lets me in and...

I go to the 2nd from the very back row, the back car, first row, the blue train is gone, up the lift and here comes the red train, the air gates open, painfully slow and I take my seat on the left side of the train. Buckle up, then pull the restraint down and realize how uncomfortable it is. The shin restraints really make you uncomfortable, its a somewhat tight squeeze to begin with, the shin restraints don't help the cause. So anyway, the op says "All Clear, Dispatch, Enjoy your ride on Superman:Ride of Steel!" Up the lift we go, and I gotta say it is somewhat scary when you look off to the side and see nothing there but trees and a river way down. So now were cresting over the top and down the awsome first drop through the tunnel and over the first hill were you get a nice bunch of air, then you go down into the turn around and get a pop of floater before the next hill, you climb up it and get ALOT of AIRTIME! It is just AWSOME! You go down it and then into the very forceful twister, then come up, down into the misty tunnel which felt great and then even more force and finally the ejector happy bunny hills and then fly right into the breaks, I am just amazed at this ride, its AWSOME!   

Superman Ride of Steel: 11/10!
 My Favorite Steel Coaster! Full of airtime, very forceful, just GREAT!

So I got off, met up with my mom, pleaded to ride again, and well there I was waiting on a 30 minute line, then I walk into the station get into the 2nd row, but then I swear the Coaster Gods love me, the guy who waitied for the front is a solo rider, so he asked me if I had wanted the spare seat, so I turned it down and then ignored him, who would want the front? OF COURSE I TOOK THAT SEAT!! I buckled up, pull the uncomfortable restraint down, and then we were off!

Wow, What a view from the front, its just great climbing up the lift looking around the park, realizing it is alot bigger then I was giving it credit for. So then we hit the top and there it is, the drop with track missing, but wait there it is as I soar past it through the tunnel, seeing the track ahead of me I see the airtime where I get some on this hill, then the train plunges into the turnaround where in the front you feel the speed and intensity of it, then track bends and drops then up a hill you go getting air in your hair and time, then you soar down into the twister which as was with Toro is very intense in the front, almost to the point fo a blackout but not quite,then the tunnel, just wow in the front they just rock, then over the ejector happy bunny hills into the brakes.

Superman:Ride Of Steel 11/10 What a GREAT ride!! But I prefer the back although I left the front in a state of shock and with a new hair style.

So after noticing the lines grew, we decided to get a Q-bot for the both of us, My first time using one, it was a regular and I would soon learn it beats waiting in line. We got $4 off cause we has a season pass, so we got the q-bot then went to the Skyride to get a hitch over to the West (?) side of the park, So I q-botted Pandemonium then walked around, snapped some pictures and drank some soda, then got on!

Up the lift I went and then we saw Mr. Six,did a few turns spinning in all directions, then down the "Toilet Helix" as I call it, cause you go round and round and tighter and tighter as you go down, while spinning around alot, then you go around a few more turns and keep spinning around and then finally into the station.

Mr. Six's Pandemonium 6.5/10 
This is just a very very fun ride at SFNE, its just great and would definately do it again when i go, the capacity isnt that good though so you wont see on at GADV  :(

After this I q-botted Cyclone and then went to ride Catapault,(In case you dont know, it is the Swatter ride from Astroworld ;)) I get on, we get all buckled in and I hear "All Clear" So I just sat there for about 30 seconds with nothing happening, so then the operater goes "Everybody off, please exit to the left" and then my time to ride the Cyclone was on me.

Catapult ?/10, Ill ride you later, don't worry about that

 So I hopped on, got in the very back, and rode it, it was a very painful and rough ride, with some airtime in there, I don't remember it well but my body sure does remember it. It did have some airtime and some good parts though

Cyclone 4/10
Rough, but it had airtime
Hope you all had a good 4th, heres the next part, Pics will be up ASAP, my internet is being very very wacky right now though so be patient...

So, Now I just got off the Cyclone, I regrouped, counted my body parts, I was good so my mom and I went to Blizzard River, This ride is a great raft ride with wacky theming, it's not a Congo Rapids or Popeye's Barge ride but its still an awsome ride that was very refreshing, So then we work our way back to the car for some lunch but on the way I q-bot Flashback and get right on.

So Flashback, My first Boomerang other then Sidewinder (which i really enjoyed), was on the way so of course I q-botted it, got right on in the 2nd or 3rd row from the back, now the station was weird, I felt like it was a jailcell with the type of gates they have, they really make sure you dont try and jump in front of the train, but anywho, i am on and we are climbing the lift,  hear a horn or something like that, and then we're off soaring down through the station, into the cobra roll, but the bad thing is it was a somewhat rough cobra roll, so I instantly snapped into GASM position and I saved myself, then into the loop, and up the lift on the other side, then back down into one of the best feelings ever, a vert. loop backwards, then into the cobra, down into the station where you hear the brakes and finally in and stopped, then you exit and your back out into the park. It was an alright ride I guess, for the line it had why not

Flashback 4/10    Not a bad ride but a tad rough and a short ride, if the lines long just forget it

After that the both of us did some bathroom action, On the way there and to the car for the park, GADVUpdates one and only ChuckR called! So you know who wants to talk with him, he is very annoying and nobody likes him, I am just kidding Chuck, your cool, So we talked for a bit, then after that I was halfway up the pathway out of the park when the bell in the back of my head said GO QBOT SUPERMAN NOW!! So, I bolted at about Kingda Ka's speed to Superman, Q-botted it, Dashed back at Nitro's speed and then hit the mid course break run, where then we got our hand stamped, went to the car, got some lunch, headed back and well I had some time to kill, about a half hour as Supermans line was that long, So I headed over for the Mind Eraser......

So we make it over there after a long walk on that nasty blacktop, I hate that stuff, it bounces heat like basketball right onto you making you hotter, I never realized it till now, Anywho, This isnt a rant report so I get online, check my q-bot, wait some more, check the q-bot, wait some more, move up a little, check the q-bot, watch some grass grow, move up, check the q-bot, go "Gotta run" and leave the line, Q-bot Mind Eraser then a semi jog to Q-bot B:TDK, both get q-botted and then on a powerwalk to Superman, I get on and wait a train for the very back! And now were dispatched!

But here is the catch, somebody let it go and vomited on the side of the train, so they broke out the kitty litter cleaned up the blue train in the middle, and got that set, then the mechanic was spraying down the brakes, cleaning the pretzel, coca cola and stomach fluid ontop of the break with your average garden hose, I am preying he dont break the ride and luckily he doesnt, so I get on and were off!

Superman: Ride Of Steel 11/10
The back has even more airtime then what I said above and is just one of the best ride experiences ever, this ride and the front really made me question if it beats Toro (More on that later), It was just GREAT!!! If you go to the park, make sure your in a back car, you will not want to stangle me.....well you might but it wont be for the seat I told you to sit in

So now the bot is going nuts basically telling me get to Mind Eraser now! So I chug down the soda I had and make the dangerous and deadly voyage over the strech of blacktop into Mind Erasers que, through the q-bot lane and into the 3rd from back row as it had no wait, I buckle in and heres the whole experience...

I pull down the OSTR and its padded more then a boxing glove, I snap to GASM position and see that wont work, im trapped and theres no way out, all I do now is prey,the bell sounds and were up the lift where I'm thinking, well if this ride breaks, how do they get us off? Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the part of the ride, I don't remember, the ride beat my memory part of my brain so bad that I just forgot, All i remember is alot of banging, some sort of boxing match and me shout OWWWWW In the break run, which that too, had no evacuation plaform, so me and the guy next to me are like, "Well if it broke, how do we get out", he goes "Eh, Id wiggle out and make the jump", then I go "Heh, forget the broken leg, im flying for the railing and taking a broken arm", it was just funny maybe a had to be there moment  :), so then in my head im like,   >:( I was warned, and warned again.

Mind Eraser 1/10  >:(
Had maybe one fun part, the rest was a boxing match, if your Rocky or need the training to be the champ, then ride this, otherwise STAY BACK 500 FEET!

So Then, I meet up with my mom, said the hell with the q-bot reservation, and we head back over Blizzard River, we get there, I q-botted it for us then I took a run for Catapult as we had the time, I saw it running so of course I had to get my fill, buckled in, got stapled to the point of barely breathing and then we climbed higher into the air, I never rode this so I didn't know what to expect, finally we hit the right height and were just not moving, im like "Oh No, not again" but then I am slinged foward right down to the ground and then picked back up, then we do this again 2 more times and I am loving ever second of it, it's just a weird but great feeling, now it was time to be flung backwards which just sent this ride over the top, you see sky then outta nowhere the ground pops up, do this 2 more times then sadly the ride ends  :'(

Catapult 10/10
Well, there is only one thing better then this ride, BARELY, and thats and S&S Tower of some kind, otherwise this is my favorite flat. Its just great, your getting all kinds of force thrown out you and you get constantly thrown head over heels!

Alrighty moving along, We meet up again and then do Blizzard river, a great way to cool down, then after that we take the Skyway back over to the center of the park where we do Shipwreck Falls, this is a very fun ride with a fishing type of themeing, sorta a ripoff of Jaws theming, basically Imagine MTWE with some theming and some cannons at the end and you get this refreshing ride.

Walking off drenched, we made a walk through Crack Axle Canyon to their Houdini! We get there and get through the very nicely themed que line, then walk right to the turnstyle where there is nobody there and it's chained off, so we almost turn around but nope, we see people walk in and there, outta the woodwork appears the ride op., so we get in and man does the Air Conditioning feel GREAT! Then there is the better themed room then GADV's houdini and a Plasma instead of a pulldown screen with a longer pre-show, so we then go into the ride itself, get buckled in and go, what a fun ride I must say, so I get off and right away SFNE's Houdini is better then GADV's Houdini, I'm sorry but hey it is!

Then there was Tomahawk, So i ride and its just a fun ride, I am not sure what type of ride it is but it's similar to MaxAir except the seats are in and your feet dont hang, its a fun ride, I enjoyed myself on it, and I get off and see the Parade passed by, at this point, I realized even more how badly GADV needs flats, PLEASE GET US SOME FLAT RIDES!!!! So then we looked for the bumper cars that werent there and then head over to the East (?) section of the park.

I q-bot BTDK and I make a walk over to get in B:TDK's line, get on the line, get up the stairs and see some Boom-Boom-Huck-Jam as everybody else is when they get there then get in the station and get into the solo seat in the very front next to a mets fan, so me and him talk some baseball up the lift and then we go throughout the ride, through the loop, the zero-g, corkscrews, into the station. It's nothing special and Medusa owns it, but Kraken owns all of the floorlesses!

Batman: The Dark Knight 5/10
It's an ok ride, nothing special here just some inversions but is still better then Hydra

Splash Water Falls time! We q-bot it wait 3 minutes, skip a 20 minute line and get right into a raft, up the lift we go and then down the giant slide, it is a giant helix, it feels just like a roller coaster and you gotta hang on for dear life, round and round it goes pulling you down and around and pulling some G's then you go down the drop and into a little river, then eventually back into the station. It is a fun ride, possibly the funnest raft ride I have ever been on, it's a great new ride and will keep thrilling for years to come, it is just a great giant helix.

So then after that we were on the way out but not before I q-botted Thunderbolt! In about 5 minute I was on.

Thunderbolt, now I had not a clue what to expect but it was just like a Cyclone, it was a fun ride, the drops just felt like the floor fell out and like a free fall kind of feeling, you get some airtime on it and its a nice woodie for the park, its not that rough, of course it is a woodie so some parts are rough but its just an enjoyable ride, that I would ride again, age has not affected this ride but one train operations... >:(

Thunderbolt 6/10
Great woodie, smooth for the most part and has the basic design of a cyclone, it looks old and ratty but it is fun.

So then I q-botted Scream! Then walked around in the gift shop and got some candy and saw Mr. Six merchandise for half off on this table, then I walked out and got on!

Now you know  :)I LOVE :) S&S Towers, Dr. Doom's Fear Fall, and Dominator were just freakin awsome,but this one seemed like the best, so I got on, buckled in and were we up about 10 feet, then WHOOSH shot right for the moon then yanked back down and then up and back down, this ride was freakin awsome because you get a combo of a launch up and a FreeFall, It's my favorite S&S Tower cause its so awsome, the views too are amazing, theres not much to see if it's not in the park but still its just like Wow!

Scream 9.5/10
This Ride didn't let me down at all, It's great and then some, you see so much and it's so forceful, you get alot of airtime on this beast. I hope that one day Great Adventure invests in one of these, the capacity on these is pretty good! Great great ride!

I rode Scream! Again, look up for a review, and then it was time to venture to the Hotel! I got my laptop setup for about an hour then went to bed at like 10, It was a very great day and will definately do this park again, the lines were no where near as crazy as Great Adventure, its a nice size park, about Dorney's size, with awsome rides and a water park in it too, yes, you can walk right into Hurricane Harbor.

I'll leave you guys as me sleeping, the question is, Do I wake up? Do a bunch of monkey ninjas capture me? Do I make it to Lake Compounce?  :P
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 04:13:04 PM by Yanks2Jets14 »
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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 04:24:20 PM »
BOO! At least give us some pics for the time being to keep up satisfied!

Offline GADVwow

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2006, 05:10:39 PM »
Hey, a picture's worth a thousand words...and he gave you the latter!  :)

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2006, 12:49:27 AM »
What else does he have to say, he reviewed S:ROS!

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2006, 12:48:02 PM »
1329 words to be exact
Ok Happy 4th everyone

Offline Dubya91

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2006, 04:17:42 AM »
Update on SFNE!
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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 10:43:45 AM »
Nice detailed TR. Q-bot ROCKS!!!
- Gregg

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2006, 11:12:10 AM »
Where are the pictures?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 11:59:57 AM by Bubba Z »

Offline Dubya91

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2006, 08:48:59 PM »
On the camera, my Internet Conn. has been shot, I am on somebody elses wireless router, its not a stable connection
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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2006, 09:00:16 PM »
Gotta love how secure people keep wireless routers LOL

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2006, 11:15:23 PM »
Rob, Rob, Rob...

Can't wait to what you thought of Boulder Dash...

Offline PcMan

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2006, 12:15:06 AM »
I should have went up to LC and SFNE with the Euro club those 2 days.
Go Netstumbler

Check this article out about sharing WIFI with everyone: VERY COOL

A Spanish Internet company is selling a million wireless Internet routers for just $5 each. But there's a catch: Buyers must share their wireless Internet connections with their friends, neighbors, or even total strangers. It's all part of a daring plan to create a nationwide WiFi network on the cheap.


« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 12:23:52 AM by pcman »

Offline sir clinksalot

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Re: Photo TR: Six Flags New England & Lake Compounce
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2006, 11:14:43 AM »
So instead of being on a Mexican Radio ... we can all be on a Mexican WiFi ... ;)

Oh it's a Spanish company ... not as funny. :(
- Gregg

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