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Author Topic: Sfne 10-7-06, Matt's Birthday Trip  (Read 1357 times)

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Sfne 10-7-06, Matt's Birthday Trip
« on: October 10, 2006, 11:12:13 PM »
My day at SFNE.

Well my day started out with bagels at 8 and a 2 ? hour drive to Mass. The drive there was very fun and went by fast. The park opened at 12 but we left at 8 because my dad is notorious for getting lost BUT this time he didn?t and we got to the park at 11. UH an hour early! No problem, we waited in the little area after the bridge near the ticket booths. It was very weird to have the park opposite of the parking lot. So while we waited my mom and dad left and ate breakfast somewhere. The ticket gates opened at 11:30 so I bought my friend a ticket with the half off at another park coupon and waited on line to get in. They had half the gates opened but that was ok because there weren?t that many people there yet.

We get into the park and the FF decorations are awesome!! The main midway was great! We got to the fastpass building and we are confused. We enter where it says enter, ok. The door there had no handle so we were so confused. Then across from where we are we see people waiting in line but we had no idea how to get there. Eventually a guy opens the door and lets us in. We buy a fastpass and receive a free coupon that allows us to skip all the fright fest lines.

After we get our fastpass we wait have 5 minutes until they drop the ropes. They show went on all the characters were dressed in Halloween costumes and then they dropped the ropes. AND WHERE OFF!! We ran to superman of course. They stopped us at the entry to the area and told us if anyone was there before the guy they would go to then end of the line. So we get to the entrance and we are let in. We are the fifth train out because we waited for front row. We get in the seats get buckled in and then the lift stopped the lady came on the loud speaker and said ?We are sorry for the inconvenience, but superman is currently expecting some technical difficulties.? And the best part is they cant get us out of our seats. About 10 minutes later were off.

Superman- WOW what a rush. Definitely a top 10 coaster without a doubt. To me El Toro is better and superman now stands as my number two. I just didn?t think the airtime or ejector time was crazy throughout the whole ride. At some points the ride was insane and I LOVED the two tunnels, WITH LIGHTS AND MISTERS/FOG!!! This ride has everything you could want! 10/10

Poison Ivy was next. There was a one train wait. The ride is very noisy going up the lift. It?s a longer BBLT. It is very fun for little kids and I had fun to on it. I thought it was very cool how the sign had vines wrapped around it and the coaster was surrounded by trees, very cool! 10/10

Mind eraser- NO HEAD BANGING!!! We got in line and in the station in 2 minutes. In the station my friends were supposed to go first but I told them ill go first and then them. I had the BIGGEST feeling that it was going to break down. After I got off They shut the ride down for 45 minutes. At first I thought this ride was going to beat me up like Nor Eastern, but instead was smooth and fun. It was so disorienting in a good way. 10/10

Next up was batman- We use the fastpass and it tells us to go right on. We walk up the steps and wait to load. The girl told us to get second row! SO close to front yet so far. BUT we didn?t listen and waited for the front anyway. Before anyone could get in they were experiencing technical difficulties!!!! THIRD RIDE! They fixed it tested it and then decided to get the second train on all in 15 minutes. Not bad. We get strapped in and where off! The chain lift was steep and fast. The whole ride was very good. Fast, exciting, perfect number of inversions for the size of the ride. It was so good that it took medusas place in my top ten. I just feel medusa is kind of boring, drawn out, and getting rougher. I still love medusa but Batman is better IMO. 10/10

While in the station I was taking pictures of the sign that they have on all the coasters about the builder, and facts as well as others things and the guy next to us yells at me for taking a picture NO it was not a security person but a regular person. He told me that if they see me using the camera ON the ride then they will take it. UM ok I already new that so I continued taking pictures OFF the ride in the station and he goes to me fine don?t listen but they have cameras watching you so I told him no they don?t and mind your own business. Then the lady comes over to us and yells at my group and other for waiting for front, we both told her we paid money to come into the park and for fast pass and we should sit where we want. She just walked away.

After batman we rode Double Trouble This ride was awesome and I wish we still had ours. Only one side was running but that?s ok because the line, well there was no line soo?Anyway you can take awesome pictures of your friends because the ride gets so close to the queue. 9/10 (the restraints were bad but not worse than space shuttle)

After Double Trouble we went to go eat lunch. We ate at papa johns. Two plain pizzas, bucket of fries, chicken, and a souvenir cup was 38 dollars. That?s not bad considering 8 dollars for the cup which was refillable and SEVEN chicken tenders and the HUGE pizzas. While eating we got a chance to actually listen to the music which was awesome!! Nightmare before Christmas!! Very cool!

After lunch we went over to scream and Thunderbolt. We flashed scream and it said 30 minutes. We all looked at it and decided to cancel it because it looked very lame. We Flashed Thunderbolt which was also 30 minutes but we waited for it anyway.

Thunderbolt- I thought this was a great wooden coaster for kids. I didn?t realize how small it was. I think GA should definitely consider getting a small wooden coaster like thunderbolt for the kiddies (newer of course!) 10/10

After thunderbolt we went over to Cyclone but got lost looking for it and wound up by the Tomahawk. The line was one cycle so we waited. This flat looked lame but it was actually awesome. On the ride it was fast and my stomach had that good fuzzy feeling. 10/10

Heading toward Cyclone I remember the famous Mr. Six coaster. By the way his name and figures are still on it. We scanned it and it said one hour!! Geeze imagine waiting for that. And it had gotten hot at that point to. While waiting that great flat that was in the middle of Pandemonium! There was no name on the entrance but someone (coasterkid) told me its called time warp. This was a fun ride and its cool if your friends sit on one side and you sit on the other opposite each other because then you can give funny faces to them or see there expressions as they pass you. 10/10

After that we did Flashback. Another ride that was said to be rough BUT I thought it was smooth. Going backwards was better than going forwards. 10/10
What was funny was the ride operators looked like they were in cages. Also the station is different than sea serpent. Flashback has ?cages? as airgates and not just airgates like nitro but sea serpent didn?t. I guess it?s a Mass. Law.

After Flashback we rang to go to Pandemonium. My friend had to go to the bathroom so he ran as fast as he could while we waited in the fast pass line. We should the lady our time thank god because by the time he got back it was cleared. She remembered us and we were in UNTIL the ride broke. Yes the fourth ride the broke right when we were next!! The car stopped on the lift hill. 5 minutes later we got in our car and we were off. I have to say if this ride had a better capacity GA definitely should get one!! One of my favorite coasters at the park! 10/10 the spinning while dropping combined was crazy.

Cyclone- I actually like this coaster a lot! The drop from a far looks to be atleast 100 feet but it really is only like 40 or so. You can still see the old track underneath. Anyway the whole ride was fast and even had some ejector spots. I really liked it one of my favorite woodies. 10/10
- We saw a baby owl in the station!!!! Very cool to see since they are nocturnal and rare.

Last ride of the day was Superman Back row! The back vibrated sooo much. This ride is definitely a front row ride! The air and ejector is better in the front. The only thing Better is the drop, you feel it more in the back. 8/10 (vibrations and just and ok ride, still great but ok compared to the front)

NOW onto Fright fest!

We used our coupon to go on the Trail of Terror! Basically anyone who waited for this in the real line I feel bad for them. It was blahhhh they had ?stations? set up which were lame there was ONE that was scary as hell. Along the way to a different station there were no scare actors so it was just a walk in the woods. It would have been scarier if you plopped us down without lights and one flashlight per group.

We did this short walkthrough which was in an area 51 base. We were greeted by a lady who had pink scales like a dinosaur who didn?t talk then we went into one of those things that turn around and you walk on the platform but you think your moving. Then a guy popped up and we didn?t get scared and he said oh your not scared this isn?t good, lol. It was lame but at night the line go to be an hour long!!

Last but not least was this ?island? walkthrough. It was situated inside Hurricane Harbor lazy river!! I thought that was so cool. We are greeted by our ?tour guide? She explains the story about the evilness that recently gloomed over the island and the doctor has escaped and its up to us to find him. She picked someone to lead us (some old guy) and someone to be in the back which was ME!! Ughh. This was scary here and there BUT not crazy scary. This lasted a good 8 minutes because the guy walked slow which was good.

After we were done it was about 8:30 and we had missed our SROS reservation. We returned our Flashpass and got in the car at about 8:45 and we were home in and hour and 45 minutes.

-Cleaner than great adventure
-Nicer employees
-The GP were nice and not dirty or trashy
-NO SMOKING out side the sections
-Not that many scare actors walking around
-Lines moved consistently when we were on them
-One train operation on Cyclone, and thunderbolt, the lines could have easily been 15 minutes instead of 30-45.
-Only two sides of Scream working when they could easily have all three. Why bother buying three towers when only two are going to be used.
-They fixed the rides very quickly.
-The overall atmosphere was Amazing!
-If you bought merchandise over $5.00 than you get a free antenna topper. I bought a superman hat and mr.six shot glass and got a free Bugs topper.

**I would definitely recommend this park to anyone. For only a 2 ? hour drive you get a great day ahead of you.**

OVERALL- 100000/10

