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Author Topic: Photo Trip Report: Knoebels 10/8/06, CycloneMan and Yanks2Jets14 attack PA  (Read 2061 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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Robb, his mom and I got to the park at around 12:45. As we are walking to get our hand stamps this strange man came behind Robb and jumped on him. It was Chuck (Rider 117)!  After that Chuck left and we got our hand stamps and went over to Phoenix. We waited for the front row. I took a POV and Robb was touching me in the dark tunnel. The ride was flying, really smooth with great airtime. We did it again in the 3rd row. I've been on the Phoenix a few times back in 2004, but didn't sit in the 3rd row. It was really good. Great airtime and a bit rougher than the first row.

After Phoenix we went and checked out the Flying turns. it's really coming along great and we signed some wood too and got to go on the track. It was cool. Robb and I then went on Looper. We were a bit confused at first but we got it to loop a few times. At one point we perfectly balanced upside down and we did a full circut upside down. We screamed "Chiller" too! It was alot of fun. We then went over to the Haunted House. I sat by myself while Robb sat with his mom. I still love this ride. But when I was in the skull room the lights turned on when I was 6 feet from the door, which was a bit wierd.

Then Robb and I went on Sky Slide which killed my legs going up and down! The we went on Satellite. One of the last Roll-O-Planes around. it was crazy. Robb and I kept sliding into each other and hurting each other.  Then we did my least favorite ride in the park. High Speed Thrill Coaster. Robb needed the credit so I went on. I'm not changing my mind, this ride still sucks! Than we went on the Scenic Skyway. I'll admit, I was really scared when the ride started. Mainly becuase I was sitting on a bench attatched to a rope. When you got to the top of the mountain, the view was incredible. Coming down I wasn't scared.

After that, Robb and I went on Power Surge. It was nice, but the one at Coney Island was ALOT better. We did this twice and it broke my carlor bone! We than went over to twister where Robb finally got to ride it. Front row, with out pushing the lap bar down too far. It was great until we clonked heads right before the double helix. I must say that I was a little dissapointed. I love this coaster but I remember it being a lot faster with more airtime back in 2004. Actually I compared my two POV's and my 2004 one is faster. Anyway, we went around and did it again. But in the last row and I had a two click lap bar. I actually stood up to see how much air I'd get and my but was on the top of the back of the seat (meening I wasn't safe) so I pulled it down and it locked at 3 click. Well it was great. We rode it 3 more times before heading to the Flyers.

I had some trouble snapping my Flyer. Last time I rode the Flyer's non-stop and I snapped like crazy. Out of the two rides (second one Chuck was on too) I snapped about 4-5 times. I needed my sister, she was the Snapping Queen. She snapped before I could and she was 9! Robb liked it though. After my depressing two rides on the Flyers, I went over to Fondango while Robb took a last row ride on the Phoenix. Fondango was my first frisbee type ride facing outwards. It was nice, but facing outwords isn't as insane as inwords. After those two rides we walked around the Fair and left! But on the way out we ran into Chuck again. We talked for a bit and his friend came by. He introduced him self to Robb and I went to shake his hand and said, "Hi I'm..." Before I can finish he says, "Dainan, I know!". That was bizzare. He introduced himself, He was Dark Ride Dan. So now I've met more people. Also in a gift shop I saw my ACE buddy Bill Gavin (better known as Back Seat Bill.)

POV List:
High Speed Thrill Coaster
Haunted House
Sky Slide
Scenic Skyway

Ride List:
Phoenix, 2x (3x for Robb)
Looper 1x
Haunted House, 1x
Sky Slide, 1x
Satellite, 1x
High Speed Thrill Coaster, 1x
Scenic Skyway, 1x
Power Surge, 2x
Twister, 5x
Flyers, 2x
Fondango, 1x

Robb on the way!

Welcome to Knoebels

Phoenix was in a really good mood today!

Robb and I on the Phoenix!

First drop shot!

Robb: "This is so cool!"
Dainan "Does this count as a credit?'


Some really twisted goodness!

Looper was pretty good!

Robb shows off the Haunted House.

Me in the Skull Room with the lights on!

The Sky Slide

Move along folks nothing to see here but a tragic roller coaster!

Twister as seen from Scenic Skyway!

Robb looks cool on Power Surge!

Robb looks in pain on Power Surge!

Robb infront of Twister!

Twister first drop!

The tunnel is going to eat us!

Twister on-ride photo!

Robb gives two thumbs up for Twister!

I'll end the photo trip report with a nice shot of The Flyers!

-Dainan "We had a fantastic day" Rafferty
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 11:00:01 AM by CycloneMan »

Coaster Count: 255

Offline ChuckR

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PPP was awesome. I got so many rides on Pheonix and the Flyers, good times!

Offline CycloneMan

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That's why I love Knoebels!

Coaster Count: 255

Offline CycloneMan

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I finished the Knoebels video!

-Dainan "Tell me what you think!" Rafferty

Coaster Count: 255

Offline Bubba Z

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 Good video.  I liked how you through in the retro Whirlwind Pov

Offline ChuckR

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I am in that video!

Offline CycloneMan

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I know

Coaster Count: 255