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Author Topic: PTR: Six Flags America 8/24/07, 3rd time's the charm!  (Read 1043 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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PTR: Six Flags America 8/24/07, 3rd time's the charm!
« on: August 26, 2007, 11:13:41 AM »
Pebbles (bffl)
Josh (not Davidson)

Ride List:
Batwing 2x
Joker's Jinx 1x
Mind Ersaer 3x
Roar 2x
Superman: Ride Of Steel 1x
Tower of Doom 2x
Two Face: The Flip Side 2x
Wild One 1x

Quote Of The Day:
Pebbles: (Talking about Mind Eraser) "The handle bars felt like you were flying a jet through turbulence"

Trip Report:
Me and Pebbles were with my mom and brother in DC, and we were staying with our friends in North Beach, Maryland. The plan was, we were all going to go to Six Flags America, but the weather got really hot and humid, so no one wanted to go, except for Pebbles and I, so we got dropped off at the park at 12. The lot was packed, and the lines to get in were long, but every one had a bathing suit and towels, so we knew this would be a good day!

We decided to start off with Mind Eraser. I warned Pebbles before hand about how rough this ride was, but she wanted it to be her first at the park. We waited one train for the only empty row, which was the 2nd to ast! We went through the ride, with minimal pain until the 3rd inversion where all hell broke loose and we thought we were going to die. It was kind of funny, every time we got baches Pebbles would laugh. We got off and headed over to Roar.

Six Flags America was really understaffed this day, the whole Roar crew were Mechanics! We got the 2nd to last row, walk on. Roar was kind of slugish in the morning, but it was still my favorite coaster in the park! Once again, not too rough, and still great airtime. Though at one point, Pebbles wacked me in the mouth by accident, and then she was sitting with her elbow on the side of the car, with her cheek in her palm, as if she wa bored. It was pretty funny!

After that we decided to hit up Joker's Jinx. We waited 3 trains for the front row. The launch, wasn't too intense, that I knew. But I must say, I hate when people complain about it, and say the ride sucks souly because of the launch. Well this is one of the rare launching coasters that actually does stuff! The ride was really intense today. At one point we started screaming "I miss Chiller" which was pretty funny. I just can't imagine how people rode this with OTSR.

We then headed over to Superman: Ride Of Steel. We waited two trains for the middle, because Pebbles was nervous. Which itself is ridiculous, because she goes on Nitro, El Toro, and Kingda Ka no problem! I will admit that I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't fit, because I heard that the seat belts got shorter, but I fit just fine. I had my seat belt a little loose too, and I had a little space between me and the lap bar! Which is really obnormal for this ride, they usually staple and pull the seat belt! Anyway, we were dispatched, and Pebbles was getting really nervous (not normal for her). At the top I put my hands up and she grabbed me and said "Dainan put them down! Dainan I'm scarred! Dainan hold on..." and as if it was a blink in the eye, she looked straight, put her hands up and had the biggest smile on her face  ::) ! It was the funniest thing she's ever done. And for once, I really loved this ride. It was alot smoother and I was getting some sweet air, which I didn't get at all the last time I rode it.

We then headed over to Batwing where we saw around 300 people leaving. Oh great it broke! So we waited it out. We get in the quiet queue, and turn to the steps, where we see a bunch of people just sitting and chillaxin! We were all talking and having a good time! They reopened the ride, and we all got on the same train! Pabbles and I were the only ones in the last row, and after a minute of checking we were clear. The seats lowered, and we didn't move. We sat there for a little while, before they lifted us half way, stopped, then went up all the way, then lowered all the way back down again for an other minute! Then they lifted us up again and they unlocked the train, and had them recheck it again! Then we repeated the same process as before, but the second time we went down, we actually dispatched! (Figures I'd break Batwing). The ride is so cool. This is so much better that Superman Ultimate Flight. We got off, and ran back around, where we ran into a kid who we were talking to before. This kid was juts like us, and he was by himself, so he stayed with us the rest of the day. His name was Josh.

After our second ride on Batwing, we went over to the other side of the park, where we decided to eat at Cafe Hollywood. I got a Wild One Burger, Pebbles got Chicken Strips, and Josh got a mini Funnel Cake! The reason I mention this, is because it took 15 minutes to get all of this! The chicken came right away. The burger took a bit, but that was expected. But after I got it, a woman who was working there, came up to me with Wild One fries, and I said "I got the burger" and she put the fakest smile on and said, "Oh! I didn't understand yall" and then had the nastiest face and dumped it as if I called her a fat whore! What a betch! Then Josh finally asked about the funnel cake, and they forgot to make it! Was it worth it? Well...yes, because I was flippen hungry! (I forgot to mention the mud and Blue Cheese all over the floor that they didn't bother to clean up)

After we ate we went over to Two Face: The Flip Side. We waited two trains. Pebbles and I sat near the front, and Josh sat across from us. Two Face was alot of fun, and really smooth this time. Pebbles thought it was really no different than Zoomerang at Lake Compounce. Me and Josh went to ride again, but this time in the front row (facing the lift). Jesus christ, you don't relize how tall this ride is until you're in this seat!

After that we went on Wild One. We got the last car. It was great, and filled with airtime. At least they didn't staple me this time like they did back in June! After that Josh and I went on Tower Of Doom, because it was a walk on. Last time I rode this was in May with my little sister and we found it boaring. This time, I enjoyed it so much more. I wasn't stapled and it felt like a free fall! We even did it again, but this time, it was only us two, and we sat on the ends. I must say, the drop seemed longer and more intense that I actually screamed! It was so cool!

We then went over to do Roar again! Me and Josh sat in the 2nd to last row, and Pebbles cought an empty row in the 3rd car! The ride was a lot faster this time, and alot rougher. This was the first rough ride I've really had on this, and yes, I loved every second of it. I don't care how rough it is! Pebbles decided to sit out on the next ride, which I wish I did too, because the next ride was Mind Eraser. Josh had tought me a trick to riding it. He said, "Keep your head back and to one side, in the corner." So we sat in the last row, and tried it. It worked fine up until the 3rd inversion, where I got killed again! So what did we do? We went into the 4th row, and tried it again. Well, SLC's I have found out are worse up near the front. I got such a bad head ache from this. I don't get it, the one in SFNE is not nearly this rough! Josh looked at me and said, "I guess this ride just doesn't like you!"

While we were on it, my mom called and we went back to the parking lot. We said good bye to Josh and got in the car, and drove 5 hours home!

All of these pictures, are just stills taking from film

Pebbles is happy to just be at a park that's not SFGAv.

Why is she smiling after Mind Eraser?

Week launch, but great ride!

Joker's Jinx is just so intense!

The last corkscrew still takes me by suprise!

This shot of Superman alone, makes the park look nicer!

If I didn't tell you, you'd think this shot was fron Six Flags New England! (Thanks random tree)


This hills are great!

Just don't sit in the back, there it's a let down!

Batwing heading up the lift!

I love the verticle loop!

It's smoother on this than on Mind Eraser, that's for sure!

This is my favorite flying coaster, so far!

The Wild One Burger!

Josh shows off his funnel cake he waited 15 minutes for!

Two face!

So smooth, why can't more Vekoma's be like this?

Flying in!

Well im just out of school. I'm really really cool...

Gotta dance like a fool. I got the message gonna be a Wild One...

The next series of pictures may disturb you!

Josh and I doing the chicken dance!

I did say he was just like us!

This will be in the video!

It's best not to ask how this maniged to come out!

I give a thumb up for the best day I've ever had at Six Flags America!

-Dainan "This park sure did go up on my scale!" Rafferty
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 11:15:36 AM by CycloneMan »

Coaster Count: 255

Offline PcMan

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Re: PTR: Six Flags America 8/24/07, 3rd time's the charm!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2007, 01:33:37 PM »
I never been there YET  and its not reall that far and its free  :P
may try to do it with the Mid Atlantic ACE region event that will be here and at PKD in Oct.
