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Author Topic: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks  (Read 33614 times)

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Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2010, 10:36:07 PM »
OK, so let me explain.... (to the guy who has Gwazi over the phoenix, and no El Toro in the top 15) ;)

1. Kennywood not in the top 5. I only spent about 3.5 hrs at kennywood. Only rode each coaster 1 time, exterminator 0 times. PFN's makes it impossible to get a feel for KW. I knew it would be different than an ordinary day, but not to this extent. It was sooooo dark, and confusing. Sooo many rides were closed, turtle, paratrooper, pitfall, all water rides, etc. etc. Freezing cold. Basically after getting my 1 ride on each coaster I decided to quit while I was ahead. I considered a second go on Phantom but decided against it. Mostly for my freezing wife's sake. Even though I knew the map it was hard to get around in the dark having never been there before. I had the hardest time finding exterminator, only to realize the line was probably over an hour long. I must say I still had a great time, and I could see KW getting in my top 5, but for now my grade on it is totally incomplete.

2. Wildcat/Martins Comet... You can have em both. Neither ride has ever done anything for me. I must say I've only ridden comet on the last day of thier operating year and I believe it had to of been running badly. I call the 2 of them a tie for me.

3. Behemoth over PR... To be fair I must say I enjoyed my 1 ride on PR more than probably 80% of my behemoth rides. But it was just one ride, and it was at night in the back seat. So basically it was under optimal conditions. PR was amazing IMO. Most Unique 200 ft+ coaster i've been on by far. Only complaint was a little too short. But the shortness seems to make it ultra intense. I would imagion after 5-10 rides I'll have a better idea of where it truley ranks. I wouldn't tell behemoth is the best steel coaster on earth but it's still one of my favourites. The difference between best and favourite. (Example space mt, or BBW). Storm Runner I've had 4 rides and all were 100% amazing so thats why it's so high up.

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2010, 10:41:47 PM »
PS. Best part about Kennywood. Fun and Unique coasters. All 3 woodies were so fun, and so unique. I was surprised how close in goodness they all were to each other. I almost liked them all the same amount. Of Course Thunderbolt, JR, then Racer was my order but it was truly so close. SR was very fun but the 2nd half of the ride was dead I thought. 1st half better than expected though. I likes the crawling start to the launch as opposed to a stationary launch.

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2010, 12:42:22 PM »
I don't have Gwazi above Phoenix. Don't read anything into the ordering of my top 15. Other than maybe the top 3, I can't decide what I like better. EL Toro just doesn't do much for me, because of the uncomfortable restraint. That'll make or break a ride for me, no matter how good it is. (The Ultimate was a big disappointment for the same reason.)

Martin's Comet is a truly great ride though. Hope you get to ride it again under more favorable conditions. It's loaded with airtime and rivals Ravine Flyer 2 for best woodie in that general area.

Glad you "got" the woodies at Kennywood. They really are fun rides. Thunderbolt is still one of my all-time favorites. The back seat is just delicious. For me it stacks up quite well against all of the crazy good woodies that have been built in the last 20 years.

Phantom's Revenge grows on you. I was disappointed in it the first time I rode it (and I rode it in the back at Phantom Fright Nights 2006). A few rides later that night, I was really digging it, but still not blown away. But when I visited again the following year and rode it, I really "got" it and it's been my favorite steel coaster next to Space Mountain ever since. It takes time to get used to the "shortness" and realize how amazing everything else about it is. As Shoe described it after his first ride, "it's violent!"

I totally get your view thus far of Kennywood. I'm actually surprised you enjoyed it as much as you did under the circumstances. Definitely get there in the summer when everything is open and it's not cold out. The water rides are great and the park looks very different without the Halloween decor.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 12:44:11 PM by AV Matt »

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2010, 12:20:05 AM »
Comet = RF2 ?

I must have got RF2 on it's best day, and comet on it's worst.

The ride opps on Racer were commically bad when I was there.

Offline B-mac

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2010, 07:27:08 AM »
Guess it all comes down to the rider's experience. Kingda la jumped way up on my list after they installed the old i305 harnesses. I always rank loch news high because every time I ride it the ops are awesome and I always get a hell of a lot movement throughout the layout.

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2010, 12:42:43 PM »
Comet = RF2 ?

I must have got RF2 on it's best day, and comet on it's worst.

The ride opps on Racer were commically bad when I was there.

The first time I rode Comet (on RF2's opening day mind you), it was pretty good and less disappointing than RF2. When I went back at the end of that season (closing day actually), RF2 had broken in, but still has a pretty tame ending compared to the rest of the ride. We went to Martin's earlier that day and Silver Comet was kicking butt. Frissbeking and I both had a great time on it!

Re the Racer:
Yeah, it's sad how that ride is operated now. I think it's mostly because of the seat belts being added by PTC after the Holiday World accident (Stupid lawsuits). Before that, the Racer was operated really efficiently. When I first visited in 1991, they actually had the next batch of riders stand on the platform while the trains were out on the circuit. As soon as the trains pulled in and the previous riders started leaving the train, you could sit down. Basically it was as efficient as Phoenix is still operated today. Considering there were no railings on the platform, they probably wouldn't be doing that today (stupid lawsuits again), but without the seat belts, there wouldn't be much to slow the ops down, other than all of those annoying lose articles people carry around with them.

But if you think that's bad, you should see how the Grand National at Blackpool Pleasure Beach is operated now. Ugh. It's a Mobius racing woodie as well (single track where you come back on the opposite side of the station that you left from), except they run 4 trains, have a separate load and unload section in the station AND  still manage to stack like mad. The two front trains aren't allowed to dispatch until the two returning trains have returned and have been unloaded and then advanced another 5 feet or so into the station, because of the new control system that was recently installed. So even once you're loaded and locked in, you have to wait about 2 minutes until you're dispatched!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 01:06:04 PM by AV Matt »

Offline Edwardo

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2010, 10:31:44 PM »
The only advice I can give on Kennywood is never go for your first visit during PFN.  Sadly, you didn't ask my advice, DKNY ;).  (My first trip was PFN as well, but I absolutely was blown away by Phantom, and it was even better when I went back).

Approximately how many different coasters have you ridden?
236 (and to think I started 2005 with just having broken 50...a lot can happen in 5 years)

What are your 15 favorite wood coasters?

1.  El Toro
2.  The Voyage
3.  Boulderdash
4.  Phoenix
5.  Swamp Fox
6.  Evil Kenevil
6.  Thunder Head
7.  Legend
8.  Cornball Express
9.  Kentucky Rumbler
11.Viper (SFGAm)
12.The Boss
14.ROAR (East)
15.Thunder Road (right side, on a good day)

What are your 15 favorite steel coasters?

1.  Phantom's Revenge
2.  Bizarro (SFNE)
3.  Maverick
4.  Hypersonic XLC (R.I.P.)
5.  X (Haven't ridden it squared yet)
6.  Ride of Steel (SFA)
7.  Revenge of the Mummy (USF)
8.  Afterburn
9.  Raging Bull (haven't ridden since 1999, though)
11.Silver Bullet (Knott's)
12.Millennium Force
13.Top Thrill Dragster
14.Goliath (SFoG)

Do you prefer wood or steel?
Hard to say, but I have more wood in my top 10 (overall)

What are your five favorite parks?

1. Myrtle Beach Pavilion (R.I.P.)
2. Dollywood
3. Indiana Beach
4. Busch Gardens Williamsburg
5. Islands of Adventure

Name five parks you want to get to someday?

1. Disneyworld Resort (Been on property but never any of the parks)
2. Blackpool Pleasure Beach
3. Nagashima Spaland
4. Fuji Q
5. Europa

Do you like rides other than coasters? Explain a little...
I love dark rides, drop rides scare me but I ride them,  I like stuff like maXair or Freak Outs, I always ride the train if possible, swinging ships can be fun, I have a new love for the Looper, Moser family bounce towers are AWESOME!

Offline B-mac

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2010, 08:40:06 AM »
You've never been to disneyworld!!! Dude, you have to go there now!!!

Offline AV Matt

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2010, 12:32:15 PM »
He knows. He has been to Disneyland though, but Space Mountain was closed!

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #34 on: October 21, 2010, 04:49:32 PM »
Why 1/10 for Coney island cyclone Clint?

Offline AV Matt

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #35 on: October 21, 2010, 06:20:39 PM »
I had Clint ride the last row for his first time. He HATED it! lol

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #36 on: October 21, 2010, 09:43:02 PM »
I should keep that in mind when I go up there next spring... if it's still there.

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2010, 10:07:53 PM »
The Cyclone is protected. It's not going anywhere. Ride the next to last row for the wildest ride without the crunchiness of the rear axle seat. The last row is even a bit much for me.

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2010, 10:18:51 PM »
Screamscape said the contract was up at the end of the year.

Offline Edwardo

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2010, 09:04:43 AM »
The lease to run the ride is being put up for bid because the current lease holder wants to amend the lease, and that can't be done without it being put out to bid to everyone or anyone interested.  The coaster is a protected landmark and isn't in danger of going anywhere for the forseeable future.

Offline AV Matt

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2010, 12:35:12 PM »
Furthermore, the coaster is owned by the city, regardless of who operates the ride. It's not owned by the most recent lease holder, Carol Albert, who also operated Astroland before the new Luna came to fruition.

Offline B-mac

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2011, 07:57:22 PM »
I think it is about time to bump this thread again as almost a year has passed and some of us probably ridden some new rides they haven't gotten on before (or had much better experiences with past rides).

Approximately how many different coasters have you ridden?
116 (125 if you count duelies as two coasters)

What are your 15 favorite wood coasters?
1. El Toro                     (Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey)
2. J2/Tsunami/Hellcat*  (Clementon, NJ)
3. Gwazi                       (Busch Gardens Tampa, Florida)
4. Lightning Racer         (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
5. Grizzly**                  (King's Dominion, Virginia)
6. Great White              (Morey's Piers, New Jersey)
7. Comet                      (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
8. Cyclone                    (Coney Island, New York)
9. Blue Streak               (Cedar Point, Ohio)
10. Thunderhawk          (Dorney Park, Pennsylvania)
*trimless   **haven't ridden in over 10 years

What are your 15 favorite steel coasters?
1. Maverick                    (Cedar Point, Ohio)
2. Nitro                         (Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey)
3. Kumba                      (Busch Gardens Tampa, Florida)
4. Big Bad Wolf*            (Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia)
5. Apollo's Chariot          (Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia)
6. Magnum XL-200         (Cedar Point, Ohio)
7. Storm Runner             (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
8. Montu                       (Busch Gardens Tampa, Florida)
9. Sooperdooperlooper       (Hershey, Pennsylvania)
10. Dragon Challenge     (Universal Islands of Adventure, Florida)
11. Alpengeist               (Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia)
12. Loch Ness Monster   (Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia)
13. Talon                      (Dorney Park, Pennsylvania)
14. Hydra                     (Dorney Park, Pennsylvania)
15. Millennium Force      (Cedar Point, Pennsylvania)

Do you prefer wood or steel?
Wood, except the infamous Mean Streak

What are your five favorite parks?
1. Busch Gardens Williamsurg                   (Virginia)
2. Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom      (Florida)
3. Cedar Point                                         (Ohio)
4. Busch Gardens Tampa                         (Florida)
5. Universal Studios: Islands of Adventure (Florida)

Name five parks you want to get to someday?
1. Knoebel's                     (Pennsylvania)
2. Six Flags Over Georgia  (Georgia)
3. Six Flags Over Texas     (Texas)
4. Kennywood                  (Pennsylvania)
5. Holiday World               (Indiana)

Do you like rides other than coasters? Explain a little...
-I am still interested in historical rides. I was able to ride both of the Derby Racers in America (Cedar Point and Rye Playland) in the span of a year. I have a new found love for whips and old school dodge-ems. I absolutely adore unique flat-rides like Air Race at Luna Park although my count for those is rather small.

Miscellaneous Stats:
- visited 23 parks across 7 states
- been on both derby racers in North America
- been on both dive machines in North America
- the total amount of inversions between all the rides I've ridden is 138
- the average opening year of the coasters I've ridden is 1976
- over the span of 2011 I've ridden 17 new roller coasters (21 total)
- I've only had one roller coaster break down while I was riding it (Superdooperlooper)
--- I have ridden my first types of these roller coasters in 2011:
  • Spinning Wild Mouse
  • Zamperla Flyer
  • Anton Schwarzkopf designed
  • Millennium Flyer Trains
  • Great Coasters International Designed or Built
  • Vertical Lift Coaster
  • Moto-Coaster
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 03:46:52 PM by B-mac »

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2011, 08:00:01 PM »
No Holiday world, Knoebels, or Kennywood... Come on B-Mac ;)

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2011, 08:04:57 PM »
Always got my college years. And besides, the map of North America I have in my room has every park in the US tacked with the one's I've visited in Green, the one's I haven't in Red and my top 5 want to visits in Yellow. I wake up every morning and look at it, too.

But anyways, 116 before you turn 18 is pretty darn good right?

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2011, 10:45:23 PM »
Good total... You've just been riding the wrong ones. ;)

Offline AV Matt

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2011, 01:37:00 AM »
No need to go to Canada until you've ridden at least 400 more here in the US. ;)

116 at 17 gets the AV Matt seal of approval. Sorry I missed you at Hershey yesterday.  Glad you got your Anton on!

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2011, 11:05:25 AM »
I've only ridden 3 coasters this year, very depressing year for me.

Offline B-mac

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2011, 11:35:39 AM »
No need to go to Canada until you've ridden at least 400 more here in the US. ;)

116 at 17 gets the AV Matt seal of approval. Sorry I missed you at Hershey yesterday.  Glad you got your Anton on!

I didn't think about checking my facebook until like 3 anyways. It's cool, I can always try for Knoebel's or a Coaster Enthusiast event.

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2011, 09:49:02 PM »
No need to go to Canada until you've ridden at least 400 more here in the US. ;)

116 at 17 gets the AV Matt seal of approval. Sorry I missed you at Hershey yesterday.  Glad you got your Anton on!

I wasn't implying CW. I was talking about Knoebels, HW, and Kennywood. If you've been to hershey certainly Knoebels can't be a huge problem.

Offline dkny6363

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Re: Survey: Favorite Coasters & Parks
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2011, 10:17:45 PM »
Just looking at your list again B-Mac... Very good steel list, and yet horrible wood list. Thats cool though, more greatness to look forward to. I'm still under 100 coasters barely and after Ocboulderfest I have none of the Great woodies left to experience in North America. I kind of wish I didn't seek out all the best rides first. But it's hard to deny the best woodies. Alot of coaster counts depend on where you are located.. I can't chaulk up a huge list without traveling very far. however some of the best parks are 5-10 hrs away. Being so young isn't likely to do one any favours either. I can recall on;y wanting to go to Cedar point from grade 9 until OAC(canadian grade 13) and finally my parents took me after 5 years of begging. Didn't get back into coasters until 10 years later. Internet probably played a roll.

In summary... go to KNOEBELS!