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Inverted top hats - Chiller lives on sorta.



This ride has not one but two inverted top hats. Looks very cool as well. These eurofighters are pretty neat. I loved Mystery Mine and wish this one was closer.

AV Matt:
Looks like the best Eurofighter ever, but it's still a Eurofighter = crappy headbanger in most cases. 

Isn't there a Eurofighter with lapbars only?  Otherwise, ywah, I'd agree. With that said, something about Batmans tophat made it so amazing. I liked it more than the Freeze coasters. Might have been because it was so compact.

AV Matt:
Yes, SFOG's new model has lap bars and is reported to be fun, but it's also a short ride and I'm in no hurry to give it a try.

Immelman, top hat, Immelman.... this is what happens when you merge German engineering with Japan's pure insanity. Now all we need is a double zero-G roll in one hill.

By the way, Takashiba means Domineering in English (loosely translated to Dominator).


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