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Author Topic: Japan Trip: 11/17/06 - 11/27/06 (Photo's are in the link at the bottom)  (Read 2469 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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Before you guys read. I wrote it day by day!

DAY: 1

At 3:00 am, friday morning, a limo comes to bring us to JFK We wait untill 4:30 for Delta to open and they did. We took the first flight to Atlanta. From Atlanta we hopped onto our flight to Tokyo. It was long and it made me feel like ----! I don't want to do it again. It took us 13 1/2 hours.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep, and I haven't slept since Wednesday night so I'm on a NYC time schedual, jet lag, and no sleep. Oh, and Japan's oldest amusement park is across the street from our hotel. Our room over looks it! Anthony and I also have our own room. THANK GOD! I forgot the name of the park but it has a Togo Jet Coaster. Oh, and on Thursday we are going to Fuji-Q!

The guide from Make A Wish is pretty cool, and we ate a Beef and Bowl resturant across the street (down a few blocks). Am I forgetting anything? Probably, I'm too damn tired and my sister is kicking me off, so I'll post more tomorrow.

DAY: 2

Anthony, Savannah, my mom and I woke up around 7 (fell a sleep really early) and went to Breakfast at Denny's! YES DENNY'S! But it was Japnses breakfast. A "cooked fried egg" on cabage with bacon, wite rice and soup. It was pretty good. We went back to te hotel where we met up with our guide Katsu. From there we walked to the Sasoji Temple. It was amazingly beautifull. We did there customs and enjoyed our selfs.

After that it started raining, and Svannah started not to feel well, so they all went back to the hotel and Anthony and I headed over to Hanayashiki Amusement Park. We walk in and pay and try to find the entrance to there coaster, named "Roller Coaster". We enentually find it and buy our tickets from the vending machine.

Anthony and I walk right on to the front row. We are locked in and leave the station. Roller Coaster is a Togo Jet Coaster (built in 1965). We get to the lift, stops for a second and moves. You get to the top. Go straight, chill for a bit, and down the first drop (which has a trim break). You picked up some decent speed. It had suprisingly good airtime, and was pretty jerky. It felt like a mine train but not too bad. The last tunnel was pretty bizzare. You go under a woman's skirt. Up with ejector into the station and STOP! It was a pretty decent ride.

After that we went over to Space Shot. Because it was raining, the ops were putting cushions on the seat when ever you'd sit down. The launch felt wierd in the rain, and there was absolutely NO airtime  ! We then went and checked out this spook house. It wasn't really dark, but it was pretty interesting. We also went through a walk through spook house, where there were NO actors! And it was very lit up.

We then checked out this maze which was more like a puzzle. It was really cool. After that we went on the Little Star (Rok-N-Rol/Squirel Cages). It was funny to see Anthony's expression each time we went upside down! After that re rode a few rides and headed back to the the hotel.

I went on my sister's laptop, and then ran to the store to get a Cherry Coke and Bean Paste Buns! Savannah and mom went to try on Komono's. Anthony fell asleep thanks to Jet Lag, so i ran back out to Hanayashiki. I went on Roller Coaster 4 times, Space Shot once, and Little Star. I was the only preson on. Halfway through the ride my money (coins) fell out of my pockets. It was about 460 yen! It spread every where and the Operator E-stoped and let me get out and find the money. I found about 150 yen, but I couldn't find the rest. I thanked her and left.

I went back to the hotel and we went with Katsu out around town. We drove past alot of cool olaces and ate at an ITALIAN resturant! It wasn't too bad actually. We then got into the car and drove back to the hotel. The weather was pretty crappy today, and it's going to pour tomorrow and Friday. Also we aren't going to Yomiuri Land or Puroland. We may not be able to go to Fuji-Q, but we are probably going to Sega Joypolis tomorrow, and LaQua soon (being you can see Thunder Dolphin from the hotel).

Coaster Count: 255

Offline CycloneMan

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Re: Japan Trip: 11/17/06 - 11/27/06 (Photo's are in the link at the bottom)
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2006, 09:08:01 AM »
DAY: 3

So we start of the day by me waking up at 5:30 am *yay Jetlag), and realize my brother was awake, but trying to fall asleep. We then here noise next door, and realise it's my sister and mother. We go in and see they've been up for a while too. We go down to the lobby and eat breakfast at the hotel's resturant. I had noodles and what not  .

After that, Katsu (our guide) met us at the hotel (around 10am). Savannnah said she wanted to go to LaQua (we didn't even mention it to her). And it stopped raining, so we went. We arrive in the parking garage and walk in. We buy our wristbands (Katsu didn't ride anything, so he didn't buy one). We ran up to Thunder Dolphin to see it was closed  ! It said it was closed due to the rain. We also found out that there Intamin Drop Tower, and Linear Gale were closed for rehab. That's fine!

So, Savannah, mom, and I go on the Big O, which is there Ferris Wheel with no interior structor, it's on a track. It was really long, but it was nice. We did see a mechanic on the lift caltwalk for Thunder Dolphin, so it was a good sign. Afterwords we head on over to Spinning Coaster Maihime ( Maurer S?hne Compact Spinning Coaster). Svannah, Anthony and I went on. It was alot of fun! We went back, I asked if I could take a POV. The answer was no (as for EVERY RIDE!) We then went on a third time, and headed inside to Geopolis!

Inside Geopolis we went on Geopanic! Geopanic is a Togo/Indoor, death machine! Only Togo would have the idea to attatch OTSR to a lap bar! Anyway, Savannah and I got the front row, and Mom and Anthony got the second. We leave the station, to a tire driven lift hill. The lift hill tunnel is lit with strobes, and then you get to the top, and i'ts pitch black. You make a right turn into an other lift, this time filled up with Flashing little lights.

You than make an other right turn and go down a drop (remember, it's absolutely, 100% pitch black, you can't see ANYTHING!) and back up. You make a sharp turn into an S-turn surrounded by red rings
do the switchback and go up a third lift in what looks like a cave. We made a right turn, and into a drop that turns left, you go outside (well technically inside) and back into the dark. Than a longer drop. You go up and into a break run, where the lights turn on. Than you glide through a cave with badly banked, Togo curves, and then into the dark.

You then get to a long lit tunnel (while the lights are flashing) and ou launch. Not too fast, but an acceleration none the less. You then go down a drop (with ejector air by the way) and you make a sharp right turn (most painfull, Togish part of the ride). You make a few turns, and into a cool breakrun, where you are in a space like mirror room. We get off and ride it 3 more times (not mom).

After that we go in a fun house next to Geo Panic (I forgot the name). It was really wierd but cool. Than we we went over to Zombie Paradise. Zombie Paradise took place in a castle and had absolutely nothing to do with Zombies, but for what it was worth, it was pretty damn cool. Then we went into there Motion Simulator theater show called Hyper Illusion (leave to the Japanese to have some messed up names). It sucked so bad. The movement sucked, the screan sucked, and the show was boring and short.

After that we headed out and saw Thunder Dolphin running. We were all estatic and ran there. We get into the station and get the middle. Savannah and I sat in the 7th row. Mom and Anthony sat in the 8th. I must say, I forgot how great T-bars are, escpecially when they don't touch you  ! So we go up the lift, which is a pretty slow cable lift. We crest the top and whoaw, down the first drop. Major airtime. Up above the building. Nice floater on the second hill. Than a turning dive off the roof!

Go back up and bank into the Ferris Wheel (The Big-O),a nd swoop back down again. That little bunny hill gives you some great floater. Back up and you lose alot of speed. Do the trick track thing, which was just too wierd and dive back off the roof, into the magnetic breaks. I must say, I loved this ride. Mom, Savannah, and Anthony all thought it was better than El Toro! It's too different to compare, but this is better than Nitro!

We went on 6 more times (front and back) and then went over to Parachute Land (where Linear Gale is). Savannah, Anthony and I rode Sky Pilot, which is a bike on a track. Savannah kept stopping it and would yell, "E-STOP!" so I did it too. After that, Savannah and I rode the Parachute's which they call Sky Flower. It was a stand up parachute, which was really cool. We enjoyed it.

I then went on the Pacari Sweat, log flume (which had seet belts). It was good, I didn't get wet. When I get off, my siblings spotted something called The Mysterie's of the 13th Door. We all go in. They mad eus sign a waiver, so Savannah and Anthony backed out, so it was only my mom and I. They gave us a key and told us what to do. Everytime you get to the door, you insert the key in the key hole, and push the door open.

We get into the "ellevator" which is a room that the lights flash and shakes! You then leave and there is a door. Put in the key and the door opens. There's a long whole way and ghosts whispering. There were so many things in there that scared the crap out of us, and it was all props, there were two actors! The Japanese are really good at scaring you. I handed the key back when we were done, and I was so embahrassed because my hands were sweaty and shaking. But I loved it. I love to be scared!

After that we left and went shoping in Electric Town. Each store Anthoyn went to buy Manga's was all Hentai, so he gave up. We shopped for a bt and than saw a Kabuki show. Katsu couldn't go, because his ancestors were froma Samouri family, so culturly he's not supposed to go. It was...unique in my opinion. It was all males, some dressed as "Pretty lady, ready to give happy ending" (Happy Robb!?!?!? I DID IT!)

After that we went back to the hotel, and Anthony and I went out to eat, where they gave us two reciepts, which confused us, but the waitress didn't know what we were trying to say, and we realized the people next to us were French tourists, so I asked them if they knew what it was about. This was the conversation.

ME: Excuser moui. Parlez vous anglais ?
French lady: Oui, Parlez vous Francias?
ME: Petite, mi papa parlez Francias!
French Lady: Okay
ME: We have two reciept's, do you two have two, or one?
French lady: What?
Me: Duex ballot!
French: un
ME: ugh....merci!

So, who would of thought I'd have to speek French this week!?!?!?!?
Anyway, afterwords we went back to the hotel, now I'm here at midnight typing this Trip Report for you guys! Good night.

DAY: 4
So we wake up at 4am, this Jetlag crap is getting really annoying! Anyway, we pack our stuff and leave the Asakusa View Hotel and are on our way to Tokyo Disneyland to stay in the Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel. We then head to the monirail across teh street and take it to Tokyo Disney Sea.

Stepping off the monirail, I had a feeling this day was going to be unique. The park was so beautifull, I'm sorry guys, but picture and video's will not do it justice (Speeking of videos, NO POVES AT TDS! I did get one on Journey To The Center Of The Earth!). We go in and go straight for Tower Of Terror. We see that the line says 70 minutes, so we get a fast pass. The fast pass was for 17:15-18:15. Savannah was upset that it would be so late, so we got in line. Less than 45 minutes later we were in the preshow.

I have to say, the preshow, and story is much better than the Twilight Zone one! The seats are more comfortable than the WDW ToT, and the seat belt is like a car seatbelt. It goes over one shoulder. The ride was cool. Some nice floater. After we got off, we went into the gift shop. I then see my mom and borther run out with my sister, and then Anthony tells me to go with them. MY first thought is, "Great, she had her period!" I get outside and there she is, sitting there, with her legs shut, looking down. I'm like, "Oh yeah, I was right!"

WRONG! She had a very mild siezure  . She was freaking out, and asking to go to a hospital, but then she calmed down and said, "Maybe some food will help." We didn't know what happened, if it was motion sickness or a siezure. We ate at a buffet, and took the Disney Sea Electric Train from New York Harbor to Port Discovery. We got off and went to Journey To The Center of the Earth. The line said 30 minutes. It was no more than 20.

The elevator to the station queue was cool. The ride was really cool. It starts off, all nice and pleasant. Than it gets darker and there is a creature that looks like the Alien from The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter. There were really cool effects, and then, BAM@! You take off into the dark. Higher, and higher you go, and than you blast out of the Volcano and down an insane airtime hill! Than you go up, turn and it's finished. I know it didn't count as a credit, but it was my favorite ride of the day.

We walked through Triton's Kingdom and got our first credit, on a Togo coaster, Flounder's Flying Fish Coaster. Savannah and I got front row, and Anthony got second. It was an okay coaster. It was just for the credit. After that we headed over to our next credit. First, I run and get us all Indiana Jones Adventure Fast Passes.

We head over to Raging Spirits. The line said 60 minutes. And it was, but waited anyway. Anthony and I got the front row. Savannah and my mom got the second. The ride was a bit on the rougher side, but was still fun, and the steem made it a more enjoyable ride.

After Raging Spirits, we went over to Aquatopia. Aquatopia was very interesting. You get on these things thta look like seats on a raft, and they spin. It was fun, and interesting. And you never knew where you were going to go. The fun stopped when we got off.

Savannah had an other siezure. She was so scared. At the time we didn't know what happened, weather it was a siezure or not. (We now realize it was a very slight, small one. I think it might just be an "after shock"). Anthony and I walked them out to the front entrance, and now it was just him and I. We yhan had dinner at the Lost Conitenent. We went over to Journey To The Center Of The Earth, and we rode it again!

After that we went over to Raging Spirits. We waited 15 minutes, and got the front row again. Then we went over to Indiana Jones. This was really well themed, and great too. It was the same layout as Disneyland's Indy, and prop set up, but they were themed abit different. It was alot of fun.

After Indy we took the train over to TOT. It was a good ride, like before. After that we went over to JTTCOE, and saw it had a 5 minute wait. It wsas great, with a massive ammount of airtme. We then went over to Indy, which was a walk on. We then went over to Raging Spirits where we waited 10 minutes for the last row.

I realized something was wrong when we left the station and stopped for a second on the little brreak and slowed down on all the MCBR (You don't usually). We got to the end, and stopped. There were two trains in the station. Onen before us, and two behind us (all on the break run). They than made an annoucment saying the ride was down, and turned off the fog and turned on work lights. It was pretty cool  ! About 10 minutes later, they restarted it and got us off.

After that we left because we were exhausted (I fell asleep twice while typing this) and worried. So right now I am at the hotel. Hoping we get to Disneyland tomorrow. I thought this would be the best vacation, where nothing can possibly go wrong, and then reality steps in....sigh. Wish me luck!

Coaster Count: 255

Offline CycloneMan

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DAY: 5

I had two anxioty attacks in the morning but that wasn't stopping me. We had breakfast at the hotel, got up and left. We got on the Monorail and took it to Tokyo Disneyland. We first rode Haunted Mansion Holiday Nightmare, which was really cool. Then we rode Peter Pan. Then we rode It's A Small World Holiday (all with no wait by the way, thanks to Savannah's Make-A-Wish pin). Then we rode Pinnoccio. Savannah wasn't feeling well, so mom and her went to first aid.

Anthony and I prevosuly fastpassed for Haunted Manson Holiday Nightmare, so we did it again. (I mus note that the Foyer and Stretching Gallery are darker then HMH at DL). In the Graveyard we got an E-Stop, which was pretty cool. We then fastpassed for Splash Mountain, and went over to Big Thunder Mountain. This is betetr than the one at WDW, more airtime and better theming. We waited an hour.

After that we met back up with my mom and Savannah and rode Pirates Of The Carribean. Which was betetr, and longer than the WDW one. After that Anthony and I ran to Splash and got on. First thing we noticed that was odd, it had a double station. Second thing that was odd, it had a lapbar. Third thing that was odd, it had an airtime hill after one of the drops (does this count as a credit? I think so, but Anthony and I keep fighting about it). Fourth thing that was odd, we stopped at least 13 times during the course. 3 on the last lift hill. We actually stopped hanging over for a few seconds.

Then we met back up with my mom and Savannah, and went on Buzzlightyear. It was pretty fun. I suck at the shooting though, Savannah kicked all of our assess. After that we went over to Grand Speedway and rode that. Than I rode Star Jets (retro Astro Orbitor). After that we went on Whinnie The Pooh's Hunny Hunt. It was really cool, only because it was trackless and you went in any which direction. Savannah started feeling sick, so mom and her went back to the hotel, and Anthony and I were alone AGAIN!

We went over to our last credit, Gadget's Go Coaster. It's a Vekoma Roller Skater but in a mirror image with a longer break run and a chain lift. It was not worth a 25 minute wait, but hey, 97th coaster. After that we waited 45 minutes for Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. It was alot of fun. But Savannah would of not been able to handle it. After that we ran over to Big Thunder, but first we got two popcorns, chocolate and salted (bad idea, you'll find out why).

I almost fell asleep in line for BTM, but it was moving. The ride was good again. Then we went over to Hauted Mansion Holiday Nightmare, again! It said it was a 75 minute wait, and was using all of the overflow queue, but we waited no more than 30 minutes. The ride was good but we were dead tired and went back to the hotel.

I got into the room and crashed on the bed (reason why there was no trip report yesterday) and I woke up an hour later, running to the bathroom and throwing up  .

Day: 6

I woke up around 6, not able to move, and didn't get out of bed until 8. I felt like crap. We went to Bayside Resort (TDL's version of Downtown Disney) and went shopping. I could barely walk, and sat down, while everyone else shopped. We had lunch at the Rainforest cafe and than we went shopping. Except I went out side and sat close to the street. Through the tree's you could here Disneyland. I actually fell asleep sitting on the ledge andd woke up an hour later to the sound of the Steemboat. I was shocked that all my stuff was still with me, and not stolen. Then I realized I was still in Tokyo and not back home!

At 3pm, A Make-A-Wish volunteer came with a Taxi to take us to our new, fancy hotel. Le Meridien Pacific. We have our own rooms again. But on our way to the hotel. We stopped at the Tokyo Tower. Where I threw up outside the car, and rode a Togo Bear. Yes a Togo Bear. They had one of those bears you sit on and drive, and Savannah pointed out that Togo made it! Then we went to the hotel.

Now I'm sitting here, taking for ever to write this Trip Report, because A: I feel sick, and am making constant runs to the bathroom, and B: I was done typing and then I accidently, deleted the whole thing!

Well, I'm off to sleep. I'm supposed to be going to Mt. Fuji tomorrow, and Fuji-Q, I better feel better in the morning.

Coaster Count: 255

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DAY: 7

So I woke up to a wet bed! Let's just say, yup I'm stll sick  ! But I did feel better after I took a shower and what not. I finally took some medicine too. The family went out to breakfast, but I stayed in the hotel room, trying to recooperate from being sick, so I used my sister's laptop and talked to some people. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm down the block from Aqua Stadium (which has a coaster). We then headed over to the Shinagawa Train Station, and took the bullet train over to Omwara, which was only 28 minutes on the train. 1 1/2 hours by car. We got out of the train and met up with Katsu at the station.

We got in his car (not the Make-A-Wish Mobile this time) and went driving towards, Mt Fuji. We drove through the mountains. The views were beautiful, and I've never seen a mountain as big as Fujiyama in my life. We drove up to get to the trail, but the roads were closed, so we turned around and went towards Fui-Q Highlands.

We arrive at the park around 3pm. We then find out it closed at 5pm, and the lines were long, and that Dodonpa was closed! We walk in and get our free passes. We go straight to Fujiyama. The line said it would be 40 minutes, but we waited 15 minutes. Savannah and Anthony got the front row, mom and I got the second, and Katsu got the third.

The first drop was kind of dull. The turn around was slow. You got some nice ejector on the third hill (first camel hump) and then the banked turn came. OUCH! This ride was very violent, with not alot of airtime. Over all, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't that great either. Thunder Dolphin was way better.

After that, Anthony and I went on Zola 7. Savannah was a little nervouse about going on an indoor coaster, since her seizure, she was afraid of strobes. The warning sign said nothing about lights, but that's all there were. The shooting game part was pretty fun. The coaster part, hurt like hell! Thanks Togo for an other piece of crap.

After that I went on Pizza. Yes, PIZZA! Pizza is the name of there Huss Giant Frisbee (IE: MaxAir, Delirium). It was pretty fun. It had good airtime. When that was done, I got a slice of Pizza, and Savannah, Anthony and I ran to Eejanaika. Whie we were getting there, the attendant said he was closing the line so we ran in. The line said an hour and a half. I didn't care, I was riding my firsr 4D and 100th coaster!

We goofed around while waiting in line. While waiting, they took a train off the track, for no reason (this really was the Six Flags of Japan). After waiting over an hour, and listening to them chant Eejanaika over the loud speaker for over an hour, we finally got on. Savannah and I got the 3rd row, and Anthony got the 4th.

We left the station, and on the turn we were almost doing a backflip. The lift was pretty cool, being you couldn't see when you were at the top. Going down vertical was awesome, and the flips were incrideble. The ride was a bit rough. Not on my head, but my legs were flying every where. And the last back flip was insane, it was very disoriating and you came into the break run facing the caltwalk on a steep angle. Which hurt my balls, but it was still a great ride. It was actually amazing, an other top 10!

After that we saw Dodonpa running with people on it, but it was only to be people who were in line earlier in the day, because it broke down and they shut it down, so people in line got a ticket to come back. So we went home. Got some meet on a stick (Squid on a Stick too) and Noodles at a rest stop and went back to the hotel.

DAY: 8

So we took a cab and went Ueno Park. We went to this little measum, which was nice. We walked over to the Temple and had some lunch outside. Now I started feeling sick again, so I stayed behind. Next we went to Ueno Park Zoo whcih was really cool, plus we had to take an inverted monorail. The Zoo closed and we hopped that train back to the hotel.

Savannah and I went to there room, and Anthony and I went to Aqua Stadium, to get our bonus credit on alaxy Express 999. Galaxy Express 999 was the first Manga Anthony ever read so he was excited. The coaster is an Intamin launching with a T-bar, no head rest and vertical loop. The ride was short and a bt bumpy but fun.

Coaster Count: 255

Offline CycloneMan

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Day: 9 (Last full day in Japan)

We wake up and have breakfast on the top floor at there buffet. The selection sucked and it was over priced. Also there were pictures of the Hindenburg all over the wall. After that, we met up with Katsu in the lobby and went to a Zen garden. I'm sorry to say, but I forgot the name, but it was over welmingly beautiful. I've alwas wanted to go to a Japanese Zen Garden. In the middle of the resivour (sp), there was a Tea house.

We went to the tea house, and did our trasditional thing. We took off our shoes. Sat on our knees. Bowed when we got our sweet and green tea. It was really cool to do something like thos. Though my knees cramped up, but who cares? We walked around and then headed over to Harajuku.

We expected Harajuku to be like Madison Ave, but instead, it turned out to be alot like St Markes Place. It was pretty cool. We shoped and hung out, and what not. We then went to a Sushi bar (wher ethe sushi is on a conveior belt). It was pretty cool. Though sushi in Japan is alot different than in the US. In japan, they put wasabi in the sushi.

We went back to the hotel and chilled for a while. Then Anthony and I headed over to Aqua Stadium and rode Galaxy Express 999, one last time. We got the front row again and it pretty fun. Now I wont be riding coasters again until Spring.

Day: 10

So we wake up around 9 and go to breakfast. We pack up and wait for Katsu. It turned out there was traffic so it took us a while to get to the airport. On the way, we drove by Sega Joypolis/Pallet Town and Tokyo Disneyland (I almost jumped out of the car). We finally get to the airport and bored our plane. They said it'll be 11 1/2 hours.

For some bizzare reason, there was so much turbulance that I started to feel sick. And out of the whole flight. I spent 2% of it sleeping! So I was ----ing adjitated! We transfered in Atlanta and ate lunh at Aurbes. It was okay. The service sucked (felt like I was in the middle of a black panther convention/Felt the oposite in West Virginia). The people were nasty and this woman we call "Ms Peaches" kept trying on cleaning our table up, while we were eating.

Finally we get to JFK 17 hours later, and we walk for ever to get our luggage, and then we get there. And it takes them 20 minutes to start rotating the luggage (I hate flying). The Limo met us outside and we got home. I allready miss Tokyo and I had suck a great time. Thank's for reading all of this guys!


-Dainan "That was long" Rafferty

Coaster Count: 255

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Your lucky to get on EJ!

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Dude, that is one insane trip report.  Nice job.

One question I have to ask - how were you and your family treated?  Were you given the cold shoulder (stupid Americans) or were they super nice to you guys?

Thats the big concern I've had about going to Euro Disney and Tokyo Disney, well, ok, that and flying that far lol.  Part of me thinks that the media and such blow things way out of proportion and the other part of me believes that perhaps we aren't as welcome in other lands as much as we were before.

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I have to say. The Japnese were really nothing but friendly to us. We also tried very hard not to be "The Stupid American".

-Dainan "Though my Japnese sucks" Rafferty

Coaster Count: 255