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Author Topic: Photo TR: Astroland TV-Shoot 5/510/07 (1 1/4 rides on the Cyclone)  (Read 1237 times)

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Offline CycloneMan

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My Dad
Mike (my friend from work)
Kenny (Kenskie, got there late)

Mike, my dad and I arrived at Astroland, at exactly 12:00pm. The TV-Shoot was for a broadcast by Jill Nicolini (which will air on may 23rd). They gathered everyone and headed us up the exit to the Cyclone. In the station, they put us all in single file and then made us run to our seats! Marie Martino told Jill Nicolini about me, and asked us if we were the kids who cut school to come, hehe. Yup! That was us! She wanted to interview me later at the Cyclone, but due to circumstances that never happened! Mike and I got the last row, and were dispatched. The ride was lagging today. it was a bit slower but also smoother, but still with great airtime so it was great!

After our first ride, there were a few empty rows so they opened the ride to the public and filled the train. They dispatched the train and we headed up the lift again. About 30 feet or so in the air, the lift started to slow down and then stopped, then it rolled back about half a foot, and we just sat there. We turned around and started seeing employees standing on the lift, looking up confused. After a minute or so, two people ran up. One went up to the top, and about a minute later, one came up to us. They unlocked the lapbars and the guy looked at us and just said, "One at a time!" The made us stand on the seat and climb over the side of the car and onto the caltwalk. They made us walk down slowly and then when we got to the motor room (inbetween the lift and station), they made us get off the lift and walk on the roof of the lift-motor house and into the station. Then they made us cross over on the track, and we all waited there for them to get everyone else off.

Kenny showed up late so he missed the Cyclone, but he met us here. I'm going to make this TR short, being I doubt anybody reads these when I have photos. So what they made us do while they were filming was act like the park was crowded. They filmed us on the Scrambler, The Tilt-A-Whirl, Break Dance (which only went around once) and Top Spin (where they did the weekest cycle). Mark (who was supervising) pulled me inside and brought me to the office to talk about my job, being I had allt he right stuff and that i'm turing 17 tomorrow. I talked to Janet and John, and I'm starting next weekend at the On Ride Photo Booth under the Cyclone! Being Cyclone was closed, we were done filming and the interviews are all schedualed for next week! Now on to what you guys really want, photos!

Mike is excited to be at his first coaster related Media shooting.

Tony the Camera Man (Anybody who's worked with CW 11 will know him).

Going up the exit.

Hearding us like cattle.

Dainan and Mike ready for there first ride.

Now ready for there second ride of the day.

Um...that's not normal.

Yours truelly aproves of getting an evac!

Poor Kenny got here late!

Our stranded train that we were in! How do I alway manage to get Kenny and Mike in my pictures?

YOU SEE! This was supposed to just be my dad but Mike ended up in it. Seriously, I had no idea!

"MIKE! Get the **** out of my picture!"

As they interviewed Carroll! They wanted us in the backgroup acting natural!

Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Okay, Mike and Kenny were supposed to be in this one!

Filming, talking, filming, talking.

I like how this photo turned out!


Me and Mike on the Scrambler.

Kenny, Mike and I actually fit in one car!

Me and Mike on Break Dance!

Time for the shoot water at spinning hole and win prize game!

Look at everyone! They're so into it!

Holly shizzy! Kenny won!

On to our final ride. Top Spin 2.

As Anthony Principato (MedusaDude) says, "There is an evil and thy name is Top Spin!"

I have two lovely bruises on my shoulders from this ride!


I like this shot.

Thank god it's over! Look at Kenny's face!

Me, Jill Nicolini, Mike and Kenny.

What's that I see? A working lift!

Go my child! Go go!

So purty.

While we were leaving, we saw the ride's crew on it while it was testing.

I'll end this PTR with a weird picture of Mike taken in my room!

-Dainan "1st Evac from a coaster+Free rides+No school= Great Day" Rafferty

Coaster Count: 255

Offline SilverBullet

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Re: Photo TR: Astroland TV-Shoot 5/510/07 (1 1/4 rides on the Cyclone)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 08:53:37 PM »
Holy crap!

Jill is hot!!!!

Offline CycloneMan

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Re: Photo TR: Astroland TV-Shoot 5/510/07 (1 1/4 rides on the Cyclone)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 08:26:36 AM »
Look her up on Google!

-Dainan "LEt's just say, she had an other job" Rafferty

Coaster Count: 255