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Author Topic: PTR; Hershey 8/25  (Read 2025 times)

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Offline MRHSfalcon

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PTR; Hershey 8/25
« on: September 11, 2007, 02:52:36 AM »
Unfountanly with work and hanging out with a freind from work i have mot much time to post on here, here is the PTR:

Time at Park: 11:00-10:30

People: Me, Mother, Kaylie (sister), Noelle (sister), and Evelyn (a close friend from work)

After discussing this trip with my mom (my friend from work wanted to go to Hershey) for about a month, we decided to go on Saturday Aug. 25, 2007. I went tried to get this day off from work for about a week to no prevail, so I decided I would cal out from work so we could take my friend (she had never been to Hershey and was leaving in a week). So we leave from my house at 7:30, drive out to Jackson to pick up my friend from SFGADV (she lived back in housing). We leave housing at 8:30, and begin our 2 ? hour drive out to Hershey. We arrive in the town of Hershey at around 10:45, we stop at guest relation to get mine and friends employee tickets (big mistake here, they were able to get proof that I went to Hershey). We walk through the main gates and make our way into comet hollow.

Superdooperloper- 1x
Wave Swinger- 1x

We skipped the comet because it had and we did not feel like waiting. So then we made our way across the bridge towards Mine town, on our way we stopped at the loft catering and some drinks (while we did this I called out from work).

MINE TOWN (rides)
Kissing tower- 1x
Great Bear- 1x
Coal Cracker- 1x

By now it 2:00, and decide to eat launch at the loft again, great food. Now by this time my friend from work just wants to relax for a little bit. So my mom take my two sisters on a couple rides in the area( Flying falcon and some of the kid rides). So they return in about a half an hour, we decide to go towards music box way. On our way we stop to watch the dolphin show (which oddly enough had no dolphins just sea loins). After the show we decide to stay in Mine Town. We then split up me and Noelle go and ride Storm Runner, and my Mom, Kaylie and my friend decide to go on trailblazer. While waiting in line I notice that the line has been shut off. After the ride we meet back up and head toward midway, but due to a storm everything is closed. So we make our way to the music box theater to wait out the storm. After the storm we head out and continue to ride the ride.

Fender bender- 1x

Claw- 1x

Now by this time all the rides are reopen so we head to midway America.

Wildcat- 1x
Lighting racers- 2x
Whip- 1x

Now it is ten, so we started to make our through the boardwalk to get a location to watch the fireworks. After we made our way out of the park we stopped at red robins, and made the 2 ? hour trip back. It was a fun day even though because of my actions ( calling out from work to go to Hershey) I was written up, and demoted (I had been a lead in Park Services). To me it was all worth the fun I had at Hershey.
