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Author Topic: SFA 10/21  (Read 2247 times)

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SFA 10/21
« on: October 24, 2005, 10:58:49 PM »
So about last Wednesday I gave my friend Rob a call and asked if he wanted to head to DP or SFA on friday night. We opted for SFA because I missed out on S:ROS, Two Face, and Joker's Jinx last time. We were intented on leaving there around 1 o'clock but due to work and having my cousin come with us, we left around 3:15pm. The drive down sucked because of the rain and we thought the traffic would be bad through the Baltimore area but suprisingly, it wasn't. We must of called them like three times and asked if they were open because of the light drizzle and they were open. We arrived at SFA to an empty parking lot at 6:30, when the park closed at 10.

We made our way into the park and I forgot how nice there main entrance is, but then you walk around to the Mexican section and there is Two Face. I didn't know if Two Face was open because there was no one in line, but I saw people boarding the train so we entered the queue.

Two Face

We entered the queue and walked through it and waited for the front row. The one thing that bothers me about this queue is the air gates, there like prison doors its actually quite humurous. Anyway, we boarded the train and pulled down the big Vekoma shoulder harness. Now this is what I dislike about SFA, the load times. It must of took them about 5-6 minutes to dispatch a train when half the train was full! Anyway, the ride started and we were being pulled back up the lift and all of a sudden it disengages, we fly down through the station and into the cobra roll and I got pelted in the face with rain and before I know it I am flying in the loop and what's this no head banging. We fly up the hill and engage on the lift and just in a matter of seconds we do the same thing, in reverse! Which pulls intense-g's throughout the cobra roll and we fly back into the station and come to a stop. This ride was suprisingly smooth and quite fun. They should just tear down boomerangs and put these up instead. We re-ride this in another row so we face each other and it was a lot of fun.

Ride Rating: 7.5/10

Improvements: Faster loading time!!

-- -------------------------

After that, we exited the queue and hopped on Tower of Doom. The smallest Intamin Drop Tower in the world! blink.gif

Tower of Doom

We enter the queue and walk right on Tower of Doom and face the side that you can see Joker's Jinx, Superman and Batwing on. I hop in the restraints and pull down the harness and were slowly climbing up the tower. Before we know it, I am looking at how cool Joker's Jinx looks and how Superman is pitch black, yes! Then all of a sudden I drop and I fly right up out of the chair and before I know it I am slamming into the brakes. We get up and exit the ride.

Ride Rating: 7/10

Improvement: Taller maybe...


After this, we leave the ride and meet a dead-end and have to walk our way around the ride and find Wild One's entrance. We see its running two trains and I was shocked by this on such a slow night. We enter the queue....

Wild One

We walk in the queue and we board the 2nd to last seat on it. We then wait and wait for the train to dispatch and we are finally off and racing up the lift hill. We start the descent down and fly into the second hill which I barely get any air and slope down into the third hill which gives a little air. Then we turnaround and work our way back towards the station providing little air and end the ride through the helix. I came off dissapointed because I remembered something much better in the beginning of the year so we hopped up front in the 2nd row. Now, I remember why I liked it. Note to everyone who rides this coaster, stay towards the front if you want airtime.

Ratings: 6/10 (back) 7.5/10 (front)

Improvements: Better load times


After Wild One, we decided to venture our way towards Mind Eraser and Roar. We then finally saw our first Fright Fest ghoul and what was he doing, he was talking to one of the employees....oooo scary. If anyone says GADV Fright Fest sucks, go to SFA you will think GADV is godly. We walk towards Mind Eraser, I didn't want to go on but my cousin never been there before and he wanted the credit so we were like alright. We enter the queue for.....

Mind Eraser

Where we walk right through the queue and my cousin and Rob get front row while I jump in the second row. Now I know why I dislike SLC's. This has to be the worst SLC in the world, my head must of hit the restraint a million times and my ears felt like they were going to fall off. I got off dizzy and had to take a piss.

Rating: 2/10

Improvements: Tear it down and get a B:TR clone, faster loading times, it sucks....


We then walk around and saw Rodeo and decided to go on it, but you need two riders per cow. Which we had three, so we skipped it. We then decide to go on Roar, but first we had to find the entrance which took like 10 minutes but we found it.


Again, no wait so we hopped in the back row but it took us like 6 minutes to just dispatch the train from the station. Once we finally made it we got up the lift hill and started the ride. I think this ride is more about speed then airtime, I mean you fly through this course and it's a little bumpy and I didn't get no airtime. Gotta love the tunnels though through it, but I think I like Wild One better.

Ride Rating: 7/10

Needs Improvement: Retrack some areas and get better crews....


So then we finally made our way to the best section in the park, Gotham City. We walk over there and see some Ghouls hanging out talking to each other. We then decide to go on Joker's Jinx.

Joker's Jinx

We enter the queue and walk right through it and I get my first ride on the front row. We hop in and notice the same exact trains as Chiller. Someone must of laid a stink bomb off because of the smell or something in that station. We get checked and stapled and everything was checked. The one thing thats different than this and Chiller is that on Chiller you can hear the brakes opening up before you launch but on this you don't, so you don't know when your gonna launch. The launch itself, didn't feel as intense as Chiller was. The ride was not as good as I thought it would be, there was some intense spots and I love the helix on the way down and the final corkscrew but that's about it. The cobra roll wasn't nothing spectacular and I prefer both sides to Chiller than Joker's Jinx. I do reride this again in the back row, front was much better.

Ride Rating: 7.5/10

Need Improvement: Stronger launch and better crews....


We then exit the queue and listen to the horrible sound system they got over there playing music. It sounded horrible and we head towards the highlight of the trip, Superman: Ride of Steel.

Superman: Ride of Steel

We walk up to the ride and notice the huge Superman symbol and we enter the queue. We walk right through the queue and we hop on towards the back row. I get stapled badly and we are dispatched. The one thing I noticed about this ride, is that they were the best crew of the park and they were the only one that said Dispatch and stuff. Well, we climb up the lift hill and notice something wierd and about 3/4 of the way up we STOP. I'm like uhh, whats wrong? Then we sit there and sit there for about 10 minutes until someone walks up and tells us the other train didn't make it into the station fully and we should be going in no time. Twenty minutes later we start to move and finally get to the top and descend down the drop and I recieve no air in the back from the drop. We then hit a straight track and make a quick left right on the ground which was awesome. We then hit another straight track and fly into the first hill, providing no air. Then we make our way into one of the HUGEEE helixes which aren't even intense. Then we come onto the best part of the ride the second hill which delivers awesome ejector air in the front, but not in the back. We hit some more straight track and enter the second HUGGEEE helix and did I tell you its not that intense. We fly up on the third hill and get some good ejector air and hit the fourth hill and get some nice ejector air and hit the last hill, but because of the trim we don't get much from it and slam into the brakes. Overall, I got three rides in the front row and about 6-7 rides on numerous rows throughout the train. The front is defintiely where the airtime is on this baby. But, it's definitely 2nd to last on my hyper's list.

Ride Rating: 8.5/10

Needs Improvement: Remove straight track and helixes and but more hills, better yet get SFNE's version laugh.gif .


After our ride, we walk our way through the mile queue of Batwing.


This queue is huge! They were running one train and had about 6-7 minute intervals in between dispatching trains so what should of been a walk on turned into a 15 minute wait, which still wasn't that bad. We hopped into the third row and buckled the huge vest and was off. Now it sucks when your going up the lift hill on Batwing and when its drizzling out, you get wet. But anyways, the ride itself was much better than my last ride on this. But I still don't feel that safe on these things. The loop was awesome, intense g's and I love the end of this ride and the helix to it.

Ride Rating: 7.5/10

Needs Improvement: Run more trains and get a better crew!!


After that we got something to eat, mmmmmmm burnt burgers and cold fries. Then we made our way to the kiddie coaster cause Rob wanted to do it.

Great Chase

This is gonna be short and sweet, it was fun. We got three consective rides and its the exact copy of RRR.

Ride Rating: 4/10

Needs Improvement: Nothing, its a fun little kiddie coaster.


After that we basically went back to Superman and re-rode that until closing. Then left and made our way back to NJ.

To sum it up....

Wild One: 2x
Tower of Doom: 1x
Mind Eraser: 1x
Roar: 1x
Joker's Jinx: 2x
Superman: Ride of Steel: 8x
Batwing: 1x
Great Chase: 1x

Thanks for reading!!!

Offline snowboard101

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SFA 10/21
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2005, 09:34:10 PM »
I read part of it, I know what you mean by Batwings line being awfull with the slow dispatches.

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