Industry > Six Flags News

Biometrics Are Coming

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Unrelated but for riding of the bull day, we left the park to take things to our cars while the rides were down for storms.  I totally forgot about the separate entrance for hand stamp and went to the regular gate even though we had gotten our hands stamped.  Without thinking, I walked right in with no problem and so did my 12 year old son.  We were at the far left by GR and when my 9 year old went to enter, they stopped him and said he must use the hand stamp entrance.  After some arguing over the fact that we all left and were re-entering together, another employee finally got the hint that it wasn't worth it and let him in.  Otherwise, I would have had to send my 9 year old by himself to the other side of the entrance and wait in a line by himself (I would have obviously exited and re-entered for safety at this point) but it just seemed so stupid!  A hand stamp?  In 2014?  When they have biometric scanners?  This has got to be simple coding to add a field for re-entry and probably more reliable than a freakin hand stamp LOL

To your question, I have not heard anything that indicates they are ditching it.

I thought I read something somewhere that they started putting pictures on the passes for next year.

My pass from last year still has the picture and they didn't even bother with the biometric scan on my last visit.  She said if you have the picture you didn't have to scan.   I'm sure it will be different next visit.   They still made me take of my belt even though it never sets the alarm off.

They were supposed to have the pictures on the passes this year. No clue why that didn't happen...


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