Industry > Six Flags News

Biometrics Are Coming

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--- Quote from: WadeJ on September 23, 2013, 09:29:29 PM ---Zero privacy concerns with this. It's just a measuring tool like Disney has used since the early 90's and doesn't contain anything of value. long lines and delays.... Yes. That's a possibility lol

Seriously though, is season pass fraud that big of an issue?  I can't see them justifying the cost unless they plan to eliminate the photo on the pass. That's where the only real gain comes from.

--- End quote ---

The photo on the pass likely cost nothing anyways. its just black and white ink which is used for the name and the barcode anyway. This just sounds like a stupid idea and isn't going to save any money.

I could care less if they had my fingerprint but I know there is a ton of people who will and will make a scene about it.

It's not an issue of cost rather an issue of convienance. The photo id's require processing and updating and can't be reused.  Examples would be kids changing rapidly like mine where they hardly look the same a year later and other issues like major hair style changes lol.

By going biometric they can reduce fraud without the photo and sell passes online without requiring people to go through the processing center.

At least that's my take on it since I don't see many other advantages.

Hopefully they need to use it for re-entry too or there is still a huge hole for fraud.
They will have to do biometric for daily tickets also and a process for replacing lost tickets.
Somehow I see entry into the park taking a bit longer next year...this isn't Universal/Disney.

I just don't see pass fraud being source of shrink for them. It doesn't seem worth the effort to implement especially considering the recent NSA leaks where people are much more weary about things like this regardless of whether the protocols are private.

Does anyone know if they are ditching this next year. I hope so, it definitely held the lines up at the front gates.


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