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Author Topic: Sea World San Antonio [PTR]  (Read 2413 times)

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Offline Edwardo

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Sea World San Antonio [PTR]
« on: March 15, 2014, 03:26:20 PM »
Somehow I missed posting these here last summer, so since the off season is melting away, here are some pix to get you in the mood for coasters.

My first Shamu Show!

Bubba & Hanna join in on the trip.


Black Fish Moan.

While I'm totally against animal cruelty, I don't believe Sea World Parks mistreat their animals.  I think Blackfish is totally an opportunisitic film that CNN is promoting for ratings.  I'm glad it's been mostly a backfire for them.

The finale.  Show was okay.  I'd like to see the one in Orlando, though.

The first of 2 of these on this trip.  I've now gotten all three in the state.  It's weird riding the same coaster at 3 parks in the same state...and all of them are themed differently...when you're so used to them being themed to Batman.

As much as I love me some Batman, this sign was killer.

What is this thru the trees?

This ride is seriously awesome.  Just a hair below Phantom as far as Morgans go.  It's one of the better hyper/speed coasters out there.  Crunchy airtime.  Floater.  Ejector.  It was really great.  I hope that Lightning Run is more like this and less like Morgan's other coasters.

It smelled so bad in here.

Credit!  (Another coaster we'd be riding a clone of across town the next day)

Insert Jaws Theme Song Here.

One Fish Two Fish...oh...wait.  Wrong park.  Sorry.  Nothing to see here...

Arriving at the park.  The sign is very nice.  Aquatica was closed, sadly.

This park felt like a fish out of water (pun intended).  I've not been to Sea World Orland or San Diego, though I have been by the Orlando park a couple of times.  This park feels so different than what SWO looks like, and feels different in many ways from BGW.  It's a very nice park, I don't mean different in a negative way, it just feels different.

It's also very quiet.  There was no music playing in the various sections of the park, and the rides weren't loud.

But I liked it.  A lot, actually.

Sadly, this park got the raw end of the Mack Watercoaster deal.  This ride sucked and barely counted as a credit.

And that is that.  I'll upload the rest of the trip(s) I took soon.

Offline Robert T Ackerman

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Re: Sea World San Antonio [PTR]
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 06:01:25 PM »
Thanks for posting these. I'm off to Orlando tomorrow and these (although not Orlando parks) are getting me more amped to go. We're getting off the plane and heading right to IoA.

I agree that Steel Eel is awesome. I think I might have liked it a little more than Phantom... I'm not sure though, I haven't ridden either enough.

Yeah, that sucks about Chiller...I hate to see it like that. Hey, so we should get a group picture or something ok. I'll call you later!